Happy Birthday to FIVE Year Old YouTube

YouTube, founded by Chad Hurley, Steve Chen and Jawed Karim has started its online journey exactly five years back from this day when the domain name www.youtube.com was registered on February 14, 2005 and got activated on February 15, 2005.

Happy Birthday to FIVE Year Old YouTube 1

The first YouTube video entitled Me at the zoo was uploaded on Saturday April 23, 2005 by one of its founders Jawed Karim which can be viewed even now. That’s the beauty of this #1 video sharing website!!

The first video on YouTube – “Me at the zoo”

The company was sold to Google in October 2006 for $1.65 billion and over these years, it has grown from strength to strength and has certainly served the core purpose of starting the website. Now anyone with a video camera and internet connection can upload videos and share their story with the world. And the other exciting part of it is, there are always guys out there willing to watch your videos. In fact YouTube is now the most trafficked video sharing site on the web.

Congratulations YouTube !!

And hey, here are some of the books on YouTube which I found interesting
Hope you’ll invest a little time and money by buying and reading these books.

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