Nokia Brings Out Bicycle Phone Charger Kit

World’s largest maker of cell phones – Nokia has recently unveiled Bicycle Charger Kit that can charge your phone with free and eco-friendly energy generated by you when you cycle.

Nokia Bicycle Charger Kit

This new gadget from Nokia will be well received in those areas of the world where bicycles are still an essential transportation means and it can also save some money on charging costs.

Nokia Bicycle Charger Kit - Bottle Dynamo

Here, the free and environmentally friendly electricity for charging mobile phones comes basically from a Bottle Dynamo attached to the front bicycle wheel and is powered by the pedaling motion of the rider. The kit starts charging at walking speed (6 km/h) and stops when your speed reaches 50 km/h. The total charging time varies depending on the phone and the cycling speed. The faster the ride speed, the more battery life it generates. For example, a 10-minute journey at 10 kilometers per hour (six miles per hour) produces around 28 minutes of talk time or 37 hours of standby time.

The Nokia Bicycle Charger Kit consists mainly of 3 components:

  • A Bottle Dynamo to generate electricity that fits to the front of the bike with a mounting bracket.
  • Bicycle Charger DC-14 used as a charging station and rubberized phone holder to mount your phone securely to your bicycle and protect it from the vibrations of bumpy roads.
    Image showing Nokia Bicycle Charger Kit's Charger and Rubberised Phone Holder

The Nokia Bicycle Charger Kit can be easily attached to any bicycle and is compatible with any Nokia phone which has 2 mm charging interface. It is also compatible with microUSB as long as you provide the cable. This Wonderful gadget is priced at about $18 and is will be made available from Nokia online and Nokia phone retailers by year’s end.

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