Samsung Galaxy S 4G – An Entertainment Powerhouse Android Mobile Phone

Samsung has recently unveiled a new android phone as a predecessor to Samsung Vibrant in the name of Galaxy S 4G which has excellent build quality and sleek measurements. is only 0.4-inches think and weighs just around 4 ounces. The length and width suit to any typical smartphone with 4.8-inches and 2.5-inches respectively.

Samsung Galaxy S 4G houses a gorgeous 4-inch Super AMOLED display and on-screen virtual keyboard with Swype technology that facilitates quick and accurate typing with slightest practice.

Samsung Galaxy S 4G Android Phone Overview

Here is a brief overview of Swype for those of you who aren’t familiar with Swype – It is a latest text input technology designed especially for touchscreen devices and smartphones that allows entry of letters just by sliding your finger or stylus and lifting only between words. This text input system also includes error-correcting algorithms, word guessing and predictive text system.

Moving to further feature line-up, it comes with a 5 megapixel camera with zoom and several shooting modes, including beauty, smile shot, panorama, and vintage. It also has a front-facing VGA camera offering an excellent photo and video quality, and with Skype app included it is ready for video chats and online conferencing.

Samsung Galaxy S 4G runs on Google Android OS 2.2 on a 1GHz Hummingbird processor that perfectly fuels the full touch user interface with TouchWiz technology. It boasts built-in Wi-Fi calling feature that finds itself very useful in a dead zone or office environment having access only to a wireless network.

The 4G network on Samsung Galaxy is super blazing fast in handling network-dependent tasks that can give your download speeds up to 21 Mbps, according to sources at Samsung. When it comes to music, it contains built-in music player with pre-loaded Amazon MP3 and DoubleTwist app that efficiently syncs with iTunes playlists, videos and podcasts.

Samsung Galaxy S 4G holds a special place for navigation and travel enthusiasts. It comes pre-loaded with Google Latitude & Places, Google Maps, and TeleNav GPS providing free access to point of interest and turn-by-turn directions. And with the premium app update you can exploit more with real time traffic updates, traffic camera locations, and voice search capabilities. Also adding more is the layer app that gives social aspects to your navigation getting you the information about nearby shops and restaurants and enabling to add your own listings on your favorite hot spots.

Car Home app provides you quick access screens housing full maps, navigation, voice search, phone, contacts, music and settings. DriveSmart app is there to apply safe driving into your lifestyle by automatically muting notifications and forwarding all calls to your phone while driving straight to voice mail. With DriveSmart app you can even set customized automatic responses for callers that reach you while you’re on the drive.

Social networking space shines on this feature-full smartphone as it comes with Facebook pre-installed and supports your favorite web browser and twitter app integration. Gaming is always a fun experience @ Galaxy S 4G. And as usual calendar, contacts, a memo pad, basic calculator, alarm clock, a news & weather app, and a file manager are all included with the Galaxy S 4G. The feature worth noting here is that the calender and contacts can be integrated with your Google account to remain up-to-date with your latest contact info.

The pre-loaded app in Galaxy S 4G that interest me a lot is the Mini Diary app with photo insertion and GPS locator that facilitates entry and sharing of thoughts on the go promptly as they strike your mind. Also with Amazon Kindle app pre-loaded, reading and explore your favorite kindle books becomes a breeze.

All in all Samsung Galaxy S 4G can be attributed as an feature-full entertainment powerhouse android mobile phone and it’s priced in India at around Rs. 29,000. For more, check out Samsung Galaxy S 4G full phone specifications @gsmarena

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