The Emotional Impact of Technology On Our Lives

Technology has usually been associated with people who are nerds and have a fascination towards programming languages. However that stereotype has changed over the years as technology has now become an integral part of today’s society with the increase in smartphones, tablets, greater access to high-speed internet and mobile applications.

The Positive Impact of Technology On Our Lives

Impact of Technology
Impact of Technology. (Image Credit:
The advancement in technology has also had a major impact on the emotional aspect of our lives and to a vast extent that impact of technology has been positive. The three most obvious changes that technology has brought to the 21st century have been the speed of communication, the cost of communication and the mode of communication.

How Internet and VoIP Changed The Communication Technology

The internet and VoIP applications have made it possible for loved ones to communicate with each other in different countries in real-time unlike before when they had to rely on snail mail and ISD calls which were rather expensive. This has enabled people to have an emotional attachment to their loved ones by using mobile apps such as WhatsApp, Twitter, Facebook and Skype. Human using mobile apps - WhatsApp, Twitter, Facebook and Skype

Individuals are now able to connect, meet new people from all parts of the world and even fall in love online thanks to the thousands of dating and matrimonial websites and mobile apps out there. Apps such as Kik, WeChat and Tinder have made it possible for people to overcome their shyness, lack of confidence and find an emotional connection be it friendship or love thanks to the advancement in technology.

The Negative Impact of Technology On Our Lives

The most significant negative impact that technology can have on an individual is causing them to become addicted to a particular website or mobile app, which could result in them spending too much time or money in the long run. However like everything else in this world, technology brings both pros and cons and the pros definitely outweigh the cons.

The Impact of Technology on the Gaming Industry

Technology has also impacted the gaming industry and made both online casino and social games easily accessible. Gamers today no longer need to spend money and travel to a brick & mortar casino to enjoy a gambling experience as there are a number of online casinos such as that offers players an experience similar to playing at a real time casino by providing them with both free and real money games such as poker, blackjack, roulette and slots.

The Impact of Technology in the Workplace

One of the biggest changes that technology had made in the workplace is making it possible for more people to work from home. Thousands of companies across the world adopt remote technology to enable their employees to work from home as it benefits both parties. The company saves on workspace and other overhead costs, while the employee benefits from working out of the comfort of their home and avoiding the hassle of travel.

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