Sport and exercise are not always associated with the words “health” and “safety”. People who have chosen or a professional, Amateur or the path to athletic development and self-knowledge, in frequent cases requires the assistance of a health care provider (we are talking not only about possible injuries and consequences of the surge).
However, the introduction of technological innovations in all spheres of human life, including sports, has allowed some of the problems to be solved with the help of devices and specialized clothing — developers use new fabrics and high-tech materials, various sensors and sensors which made it in favor of both the athletes and the brand in boosting their sportswear branding. Smart clothes is a modern approach to monitoring the health and condition of athletes of any profile and height.

What is the advantage of using smart clothes in sports?
1. Remote monitoring. The athlete continues to be engaged in usual affairs, trainings, thus collecting information on a state of his health and vital signs doesn’t demand personal presence of the medical worker.
2. Regularly monitor. Smart clothes allows you to identify violations in the systems of organs and to determine the factors that affect the results in sports. It is a high-quality prevention of injuries and fatigue, a unique way of timely diagnosis of functional disorders in athletes and identify the first signs of pathological conditions, while stationary periodic examinations are not always informative. Screening-evaluation of the functional state of the body is possible in the period of stress, and during rest.
3. Convenience and comfort. Thanks to smart clothes, which, in most cases, visually does not differ from the usual, athletes do not feel stiffness, discomfort. This allows you to train at full strength.
4. Correction of work. Wearable technologies allow to correct further work of the athlete according to the available data – to correct mistakes, to change the degree of load and so on.
What smart clothes, shoes and accessories are used in sports?

GPS and GLONASS fitness trackers in the form of bracelets, belts, watches and other accessories. Allows you to track the physical activity of the owner. Thanks to synchronization with smartphones, fitness trackers are able to provide the necessary recommendations to improve the efficiency of sports and fitness, correction of the day and diet, achieving high results. The most popular and well-known models are Nike+ FuelBand, Fitbit Flex, Jawbone Up, Withings Pulse, Basis Health, Casio G-Shock STB-100.
Shoes with built-in trackers. Similar in principle to the above-mentioned sports gadgets, but the necessary sensors and chips are integrated directly into the shoes. Famous models: Adidas MiCoach sneakers, Kobe Bryant Basketball Shoes. In addition, the developers of smart clothes presented and removable “smart insole” Footlogger, which plays the role of the tracker, being placed in shoes.
Sports and entertainment option smart shoes-Google Shoes, which not only functions as a tracker, but also comments on the actions of the owner through the audio speaker.
Smart sportswear. Thanks to the use of intelligent fabric with integrated and printed sensors, clothing independently receives the necessary biometric information and transmits it to an external receiver (Internet, smartphone, computer). Famous models: Sensoria fitness socks; smart tracksuit Electricfoxy Move, Athos; t-shirts, raglans-Zephyr Technology, OMsignal; smart shorts from Myontec; women’s top bra Sensoria Fitness sports bra.
Smart sports clothes, shoes and accessories are the future, which surely turns into the present.