7 Recent Trends in Video Surveillance Industry: Ready to Reshape 2021 & Beyond

Technological advancements have been rolling out every year, and the entire mankind has already witnessed exciting gadgets and trends. 2020 has been a year of social unrest, a pandemic-disturbed period; however, it has never restricted the growth of technology. The year has even challenged the existing technologies. Yet, video surveillance trends are showing a ray of hope in terms of security measures.

Video surveillance technologies are creating a positive impact on business. Additionally, they are leading an awareness related to employee health and safety at the frontline. We have witnessed a shift from only security sectors to business allies regarding video surveillance and CCTV technology. Let’s look into the ongoing video surveillance trends that are about to bloom in 2021 and upcoming years.

Video Surveillance Technology Trends in 2021

1. Derived Business Solutions from AI-Powered Analytics

Those days are over when video surveillance technology was confined within CCTV installation, storing footage, and monitoring. They are not just a security tool anymore. Integrated with business intelligence, video surveillance is capable of rendering endless possibilities. Artificial Intelligence has added more value and perspective to analytics, and smart video surveillance defines the cybersecurity objectives of businesses.

Well, how can video surveillance protect your business?

The dedicated tools can detect robberies, dangerous driving, weapons, loitering, and much more. Additionally, business authorities can safely inspect customer behaviour and other retail services with ease and more convenience. The proper analysis of the events and datasets makes sure that the system won’t trigger alarms at a false notice.

In addition to this, sophisticated algorithms are deployed to determine specific details. For example, they would be able to identify among different gender, age groups, fabric colours, and so on. Video surveillance systems can identify whether the visitors have worn masks or not, maintained social distancing, etc.

2. Cloud Approaches are Widely Accepted

Businesses have accelerated in a short time span due to the advent of cloud services. And, the video surveillance trends have similar opportunities with cloud server systems. However, the proportion of video surveillance industries using cloud services is relatively low. But, gradually, the demand for cloud services is constantly increasing owing to video surveillance.

What are the benefits of using cloud services, particularly in this sector?

Well, cost-effectiveness, remote access, imperial data security, and easy storage are prime perks of cloud storage technology. On the other hand, you can’t deny the powerful scalability, stability, and instant disaster recovery chances with cloud server tactics. And, the open platform of cloud-empowered CCTV installation keeps the flexibility undisturbed. Consequently, they are meant to stay for an eternity.

3. Zero-Contact Solutions are Still a Requirement

The pandemic era seems to continue in 2021. Well, it’s pretty much clear that it couldn’t have ended by 2020. People still fear the chances of infection, and that’s why social distancing should be maintained. Additionally, low contact equipment is in demand for avoiding the scopes of being affected by COVID-19.

Video surveillance has proceeded a step further in implementing systems that minimise physical contact risks. For example, facial recognition access control can free you from touching any biometric devices. On the other hand, license plate recognition in smart parking initiatives is another success in the history of video surveillance. Similarly, other objects can be easily identified through the same mechanism.

4. Demand for More Video Surveillance Compliance

The technology has already stepped into countless industries, and their relevance explores more opportunities to use video surveillance. For instance, healthcare sectors have achieved a lot of benefits from video surveillance. Under government regulations, healthcare premises demand strong and strict surveillance. Video security services ensure that medical staff, visitors, patients, and medical records stay safe and unharmed.

Additionally, video surveillance has overcome difficulties regarding education and payment fraudulence. And, video security is the key to defend yourself in such sensitive areas. Moreover, body-worn cameras can become a safety tool for nurses, food delivery agents, cleaning crews, and massage therapists. The agriculture industry has also experienced a revolution in video surveillance through advanced network systems.

5. Open & Connected Platforms

Owing to the Internet of Things almost everything has transformed into network-enabled services. Whether you count a fitness band or the doorbell camera, all of them are connected to the internet. Access to IoT devices has made our life easier at home. Additionally, all the checkpoints such as control, cost-estimation, automation, and productivity are under the video surveillance technology.

The same environment is equally possible in workspaces; that’s why people demand an open and connected platform for business. This would bridge the gap between the business and developers. The Video Management System can handle the working mechanism of cameras along with safe transmission. Moreover, it’s not a big deal for the VMS to store the video footage on the cloud and present it whenever required.

6. Cybersecurity Measures are to be Served

When it comes to IP cameras for video surveillance, cybersecurity measures have kept the concerned authority in worry. However, the situation even got worse in 2020 when cybersecurity complaints have witnessed a surge. Being connected to the internet, you can merely discard the possibility of your CCTV camera getting hacked.

Such incidents have made customers aware of the consequences of cyber-attacks. They have driven businesses to be more cybersecurity responsible. Joining simple CCTV installation and recording to video surveillance has decreased the chances of leaking video and data from the business. Video security systems are capable of alerting you if they find anything suspicious or dangerous at your premises. They can roll out patches when they sense any vulnerability.

7. Engagement between IT Departments with Video Security

In the last few years, security staff has contributed a lot to the video surveillance industry or the department of the office. However, things have significantly changed, and IT leaders have come at the forefront of the video security aspects. Different corporations are deploying video surveillance techniques to intensify benefits and reduce non-essential overheads. Here, the cybersecurity norms come into consideration.

Securing the office space has become quite easy and manageable with the implication of video surveillance. IT employees have taken lessons from previous incidents, and they have decided to leverage the security agenda. The concerned fields are customer relationship management, email system, accounting software, and so on.

On the other hand, the cost-efficient nature of video surveillance has attracted IT leaders to embrace and deploy the technology. The Video Management System can successfully manage camera compatibility, integration with other IoT devices, bandwidth, and directly access cloud technology. Engagement of IT aspects along with the video surveillance technology has broadly opened the way to secure point of sale, access control, and process control services.

Well, that’s not the End….

According to the current scenario and technical trends, video surveillance might have more unexplored potential. Customers prefer subscription models for an uninterrupted video security service. It ensures lower costs, convenient installation, flexibility, and reliability.

Additionally, you can remotely access your video surveillance system, and you need not fret out about your advanced cybersecurity norms. In addition to this, the world will witness an entirely new dimension of technological innovation with the advent of 5G technology. So, network amenities won’t be a challenge for the upcoming technological progress.

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