Technology Trends For 2021 That Will Affect Businesses

Have you ever imagined that the year 2020 will look like this? No one did. And even though it took us by surprise, technological development helped and will help humanity face these challenges. However, it is clear by now that the latest technological trends will be inspired by the fight with the world pandemic.

This year was a very different one. A year that has changed the way businesses work and, also, the way technology will develop from now on. The latest year was marked by headlines that highlight the great progress made with Artificial Intelligence, smart homes, and data analytics. But what will the year 2021 look like?

Artificial Intelligence Technology.

Technology will adopt a developmental trend that will help humanity face this crisis and the consequences it comes with. Many businesses have already adopted a work-from-home schedule, schools have shifted online, and the world of e-commerce has grown tremendously. So, it is clear that we need to improve the technology we use, but how will this happen? Here are some technology trends predicted for 2021 that will affect businesses.

Internet of Behaviors

The Internet of Things is already a well-established technology that eases people’s lives. But the Internet of Behaviors is a trend that was predicted to emerge this year. Even though the pandemic changed the plans of many businesses, the Internet of Behaviors is a technology trend that will slowly gain momentum.

It is based on data gathering and analysis to influence some behaviors. So, to understand the Internet of Behaviors, we first need to take a look at the Internet of Things.

IoT is the interconnection of devices that allow you to control them from a distance and also program their on-off schedule. Smart homes technology is based on the IoT. At the same time, when using this technology, customers agree to have their data collected by companies. And this data helps them understand if their marketing campaigns are successful, if they need to improve the software, and so on.

The Internet of Behaviors is kind of the same thing. It is more like an extension of IoT but focused on the behavioral part of humans. Companies collect data and information through IoT and they transform them into knowledge and wisdom. For example, a health app can track your physical activity, pulse, sleeping pattern, diet, and so on. It can easily use this data to make predictions about your health state in the future and propose solutions to prevent health issues.


5G Technology

5G is a disputed technological trend around the world, with an emphasis put on the benefits and disadvantages alike. But if at the beginning of the year there were doubts around it, now it has become clear that we need it.

As many people started working from home and almost all college and school courses are online, people around the world need a good connection and a larger bandwidth. More and more devices, such as the ones part of smart homes, need to be connected to the internet to really help you benefit from technology. And businesses are aware of the fact that these are not times where you can be disconnected.

5G has an important value and it helps humanity survive this crisis and face it. And it also helps us improve and develop, and also make our lives easier.

Even though the development of 5G technology was disrupted by the world pandemic, many countries are back on track. And phone companies have already promised to launch new phone models that will allow users to connect easier and boost performance with 5G.

Related read: 5 Ways 5G Will Transform Our Everyday Life

Customer Data Platforms

There is a huge amount of data in the world. Data is collected by a lot of companies in order to design better services and products. And the trend of collecting data and analyzing it will go bigger and bigger. But the problem many companies have is that they have access to data that is fragmented. And when it comes to organizations and selection, this can result in a huge hassle.

So, here come CDPs or Customer Data platforms. CDPs collect data from multiple sources, organize, filter, and analyze it and make it available for anyone who needs it. Having access to tagged and organized data is what many companies want, as they save money and time.

The last years have been marked by the slow growth of CDPs, with companies such as Oracle, Microsoft, or Adobe already financing the development of this technology trend. CDPs will be an important emerging trend in 2021 and will help businesses cope with the challenges posed by the fragmentation of the work. As people work remotely, business operations get fragmented and CDPs become essential solutions.


2021 will mark the emergence, improvement, and development of important technology trends. Some were stopped by the world pandemic, and others, on the contrary, were accelerated by it. What we can be sure of is that technology development will help humanity face crises, adopt healthier behaviors, and connect better with others. The Internet of Behaviors, 5G, and the rise of Customer Data Platforms are only some of the technological trends that are expected to gain momentum in 2021.

At the same time, we should not forget about the development of robotics, vehicle automation, and virtual and augmented reality.

Businesses will have access to organized and tagged data in order to improve their services and products. 5G and the Internet of Behaviors will allow businesses to adjust their goals to meet people’s needs and support the trend of remote work.

Charlie Svensson

Author Bio: Charlie Svensson is a fast, engaging freelance writer, working at a top essay writing service. Skilled in content writing and blogging, his favorite topics of his posts are artificial intelligence, social media, marketing, SEO, technology, and web development. Excellent adaptability of skills to reach diverse audiences. Charlie loves playing tennis and board games with his friends.

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