Eye-Catching Event Marketing: 4 Top Tips

Good marketing is essential to ensure your event is well-attended and successful. Continue reading for 4 top tips to ensure yours is eye-catching.

1. Use carefully chosen images

When someone says eye-catching, your mind will automatically think of images. Choose your images wisely, for if you do not, this could be your downfall. Ensure the photographs are sharp and the colors vibrant. If you are planning to use the images on social media, which is certainly advisable, be sure to make sure the dimensions are correct, and you use a high resolution. If you are going for illustrations, enlist the help of a professional to be confident that you achieve the look and finish you desire.

2. Use videos

Photographs should not be the only form of visual marketing. Videos can be a great addition to your event advertising campaign. And what makes it even better is that you do not have to continually use polished videos to make an impact. Going ‘live’ and showing an event being set up or finer details being organized can be exciting and capture people’s interest. However, if you would like to publicize using a more structured film, there are so many options these days. Enlist the help of a professional videographer or put together a series of photographs with sound, captions and effects over the top.

3. Posters

Yes, we live in a digital age, but that does not mean that printed media is obsolete. Far from it, in fact, as posters can still engage a large proportion of people for local events. Utilize the services of someone well-versed at putting together eye-catching posters and ensure you have the right balance of information on it. Of course, the date, location, contact details and a few basic details about the event, including what is actually happening and a price, are essential to the success. However, too much detail, and it will appear overwhelming, with fewer people focusing on the content. It is wise to print more than you will need. Having your own 11×17 printer for these purposes will really help. Although employing the services of a professional printing company can make things easier, if you run out, it can be tricky getting more printed within your limited time scale.

4. Selfie boards

In this day and age, the selfie is alive and kicking. Some people take hundreds of themselves daily on their iPhones. The use of a selfie board can be seen as somewhat overrated or even twee. However, when used to good effect, it is an exceptional way of marketing with minimal effort. If you manage to get an influencer on board, imagine the reach your event could have. Rather than being limited to a small local audience, if someone with an Instagram following of several hundred thousand decided to post a selfie with your board, it is likely to explode. They can simply be a bit of fun. Of course, be sure to get one that is branded but not necessarily event-specific unless you will be repeating it or it lasts for several days.

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