Best Science and Technology Monthly Magazine You Should Subscribe To

With the rapid development of science and technology these days, one can expect startling advances in the field each day that contribute to a better future. To remain well aware of these latest happenings in science and technology around the world that act as driving forces in making the future better, it is recommended that one should subscribe to some of the best science and technology magazine and stay current. In case you don’t have much free time to keep up with all updates, you can resort to essay writing help service and order summaries on some topics for referencing purposes. Yet, getting the information from primary sources is often more fascinating.

Having said that, in no particular order, here are some of the best science and technology monthly magazine for those of you who are a science and technology loving hippy and keen to get up-to-date info on the emerging science and technology innovations in the world. Ideally, most of these magazine cover general science, latest technology, computer science, and engineering trends, as well as some historical or “how stuff work” sections.

  1. Technology Review Published by MIT
    Technology Review/MIT
    is one of the world’s oldest magazines published by MIT (established 1899). It covers a good variety of areas and doesn’t seem to contain any BS or over-hype as seen in some of the other magazine but is keen in giving the facts objectively.You can either opt for print subscription of Technology Review Magazine which will cost you around $25/year or visit online and subscribe to the free e-mail newsletters or can even read it using RSS feed reader. To know more about Technology Review and get the latest technology news, visit- Technology Review: The Authority on the Future of Technology
  2. Popular Mechanics Logo
    Popular Mechanics is an popular American magazine owned by the Hearst Corporation that’s mainly devoted to science and technology but features interesting practical tips and newsworthy articles from various other areas of interest including automotive care, home improvement how-to-do-it articles, aerospace, electronics, photography, telecommunications, and also general interest articles. It is a well respected magazine that has been published for many, many years (First Issue published in 1902). Check out –
  3. Wired owned by Conde Nast Publications, is a well-known and one of the best tech magazines out there that covers in-depth articles on current and emerging trends in technology and real implications of them. It can be attributed as a ultimate news source for nerds with lots of detailed info on cyberculture, latest technology and modern gadgetry. For more visit –
  4. National-Geographic-logo
    National Geographic Magazine
    is an iconic scientific and educational magazine that features regular sections on various science and geographic topic including archeology, animals, people, culture and anthropology supported by stunning photography and images. Check out NGM @
  5. Scientific American Magazine is the oldest continuously published magazine in the U.S., that’s considered as the world’s premier source for advances in science and technology and how they shape our world. It’s a decent magazine but unfortunately you’ll not find much info on computers and technology. Besides that, in general the writing in Scientific American is very good, accessible and informative enough for scientists. It’s the most trusted source to get latest science news and issues that matter including earth, environment, and space.Scientific American Magazine is also well reputed as the only magazine that has featured many Nobel laureates under the likes of Albert Einstein, Francis Crick, Jonas Salk etc, who wrote about their prize-winning works at Scientific American years before being recognized by the Nobel Committee.
  6. Discover Magazine logo
    Discover Magazine
    is a very interesting and informative science and technology news magazine that cover articles ranging from topics such as Health & Medicine, Mind & Brain, Technology, Space, Environment, Physics & Math. Though the printed version has gotten a little short over the years, but it has never been fluffy and remains as a great source of science and technology news and articles. Visit –
  7. ScienceNews Magazine
    Science News is an award-winning biweekly news magazine that covers important and emerging research articles in all fields of science. It provides good quality science news in wide range of topics including Atom & Cosmos, Science & Society, Body & Brain, Genes & Cells, Humans, Life, Matter & Energy, Molecules, Earth, Environment etc. In addition to articles from external resources, Science News also has a blog section and a column section.
  8. Popular-Science-popsci-logo
    Popular Science
    is a wonderful resource of new technology and science articles with the glimpse at the future being the central promise of the magazine. It gives its readers the information and tools to improve their technology and their world. Apart the print issue it also provides free online archive of Popular Science and Technology articles. For those of you who are really excited about science and emerging technology trends, this one is for you.
  9. American Scientist logo
    American Scientist
    is a very good bimonthly magazine about science and technology. It features articles written by prominent scientists and engineers in their respective fields that range from molecular biology to computer engineering. Besides the print edition, it’s available online that incorporates the full content of the print magazine and additional online-only features. Check out American Scientist Online

Have I missed any of the famous science and technology monthly magazine? Do you have anything to add to this list? I’d love to hear from you, so do post in your favorite magazines in the comments section below.

5 thoughts on “Best Science and Technology Monthly Magazine You Should Subscribe To”

  1. @Shabbu Thanks yaar, I'm glad you liked the list. You should consider subscribing to one or two magazines from the list, I've reviewed various magazines and listed some of the best tech magazines here.

  2. Wow what a great list of Science and Technology magazine. It would be interesting if I have a lot of collection with this stuff. 😀

  3. To know the strange and science details those taken place in the world, go to
    To clarify doubts of any kind and to know how stuff works go to

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