Ways to Improve Instagram Growth Without Buying Followers

If you have been waiting to provide Instagram a try for business, now can be the perfect choice to follow. On its own, platform boasts more than 800 million users and highest engagement rates among various social networks. If Facebook was not parent company, it might be fair to say that you should watch out. As with the social platform, growing large following can be energy consuming and time taking too. As result, it is easier to understand how individuals and businesses are well tempted to buy followers to boost the current vanity metrics. However, buying followers will results in loss of credibility and money if you can found out about it. Instagram Creating a promising Instagram account which will attract some authentic followers is a better strategy rather than investing money to buy real Instagram likes. The former method is way more qualified as potential customers. Fake followers can never turn out to be your customers, so always be sure of that. It is always mandatory for you to have small engaged form of following base rather than a large number, which don’t actually care much about your brand.

So, you might have made up your mind to not buy followers and organic IG growth will always take a lot of time to be highly effective. So, what can be done during that instance? Which step will work better and a greater substitute than this point? Well, you have to start with smaller baby steps and get the things right. After that, push the profile towards world for speeding up IG growth without the need to buy followers.

Activate business profile or take help of analytics tools:

Instagram has introduced Business accounts from May 2016. These steps have proven to be of great help to 5 million businesses, which are on Instagram already. With the help of business IG account, you can decidedly prove to be different from someone holding a personal account.

    • It will be a great way to help you access analytics data, which comprises of insights on how posts are performing and what followers are like.
    • You can further get the opportunity to add phone number, address and website. Get the chance to create some Instagram ads as per your choice.

Going for the potential caveat:

You can only activate Instagram business page if you have a Facebook page. If that is the one point getting in your way of just using it, it can prove to be useful to create FB page for business, even when you don’t have any plan to update it. Another major point generally centers on concept of business versus individual account. On FB, the page’s reach compared to that of a friend is way different with businesses always getting short end of stick. As FB owns IG, they are more or less sharing some of their features. So, it is always clever to assume that switching to business profile on Instagram can restrict reach and might have some other implications on how the Instagram users will respond to posts of business versus individual.

Some experiments or data:

In terms of writing, there have not been any far-fetched experiments or data, which can show the potential negative side effects of switching to Instagram business account. You might have to decide for yourself and your firm if that’s worth taking risk. On the other hand, focusing on more positive benefits of this switching can help in offering that detailed analytics data. This section will actually include snapshot of what the followers might like and dislike associated with your posts, the right time to post any content and how many people might have seen it.

The same service will further offer data on followers, which will include some demographics like gender, age and even location. With all these valid information right at your fingertips, there should not be any form of reason for the posts to perform any poorly over longer run time. In case you happen to be still on fence about switching, then you can head for the social media based analytics tools for a change. These tools will glean information for IG interaction.

Posting at a consistent rate on Instagram:

Are you all set for something less involved than deciding whether or not you want to make a permanent profile change? Regardless of social platform that you are planning to grow, the major rule for building audience is to demonstrate level of consistency. For the field of Instagram specifically, it means posting once minimum per day. Unlike other fields like LinkedIn or Facebook, Instagram welcomes larger post quantities in no time.

    • To be more specific in this venture, you have to focus on the quality and quantity of contents both, which you are planning to post.
    • Moreover, always remember there is no absolute best time involved. There are some periods for you to check out before you end up posting content over here.
    • For some best results in this regard, you are constantly asked to run own experiments and interpret results, which can refine strategy.

After branding well with Facebook, Instagram now operates off algorithm for displaying posts without chronological news feed of any past work. Consistency is always a major factor, which will add more to the ranking on that particular algorithm, and helping your brand to get before the followers even more. So, always be sure to take all the Instagram growth based advices from reputed sources and Instagram experts, and try implementing the same in your favor too.

For making the task easier to post on a regular basis, you can try scheduling some Instagram posts right ahead of time. This way you can always have steady content stream to share anytime you want it to.

Follow the norms well:

Even though the points mentioned are important but those are not enough. Right from posting IG HD quality photos to the use of new story feed from Instagram, there are so many things you have to cater to, just to be right at the top.

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