Review of MyTherapy: The Medication Reminder App that Promises More

Technology continues to revolutionize the way we live our lives, and apps are one of the key ways in which it does so daily. The health and fitness sector is one that is evolving continually, and apps are now targeting a key challenge facing public healthcare: medical adherence. There are a number of apps that focus on helping people take their medication as intended, ensuring it works effectively. One of the stand-out apps is MyTherapy (free for iOS and Android). As well as a medication reminder, the app store page promises an array of other features, such as a symptom tracker, activity reminder, and measurement diary, all of which can be collected into a printable health report.

For a free app that doesn’t require a subscription, that’s an impressive bundle of features, so we decided to take a closer look, and find out whether it lives up to its promise.

MyTherapy Medication Reminder & Pill Tracker App
MyTherapy: Medication Reminder & Pill Tracker App

Setting up your reminders

First and foremost, the app is a medication reminder, so it must perform on this front. Adding your meds is easy enough; simply tap the ‘medication’ button on the home screen and find the one you need from the enormous database, or add a custom name and type (tablet, drop, injection etc.). On the following page you schedule the time, frequency, and duration of your reminder, customize the alarm, and set the inventory so the app can alert you when you are running low. The interface couldn’t be much simpler or easier to use, so the app scores well on this front. MyTherapy Medication Reminder App

The measurement and activity reminders work in much the same way. The former reminds you to check weight, blood pressure, heart rate, and all sorts of other measurements, which you can then record in the app, and the latter allows you to schedule activities such as hiking, running, yoga, and cognitive training.

The final reminder allows you to set up a symptom check. Here you can enter how well you’re feeling on a sliding scale from very bad to very good, and record symptoms such as a racing heartbeat, fatigue, and chest pain.

All of these reminders are extremely simple to adds, so you can have a comprehensive plan set up in no time at all. The next question is…

Do the reminders work?

The ease in setting the reminders up is of little use if the app is unreliable. Happily, we experienced no problems on this front, and the notifications were completely punctual. Once they pop up, you have the choice of confirming or skipping them, and entering information for the measurement and symptom checkers. Simple.

Tracking progress

One of the features that sets MyTherapy app apart from other apps of this nature is the health report, which you can have sent to your inbox. It records how well you have adhered to your plan, and displays all of the information you have recorded into easy-to-understand charts and graphs. This is a great feature, and being able to show this information to your doctor can help paint a clearer picture of how well your treatment plan is working. This feature does require an account, but MyTherapy assures users that personal data is secure, and will never be passed on to third parties.

Conclusion about MyTherapy Medication Reminder App for iPhone & Android

MyTherapy Medication Reminder iOS, Android App For a free app, with no adverts, it’s hard to find fault with MyTherapy. It fulfils all of the promises it makes on the store page, is reliable, and easy-to-use. If you have trouble remembering your meds, or simply wish to keep a record of how you’re getting on, this could well be the app for you.

You can download MyTherapy for iOS and Android.

1 thought on “Review of MyTherapy: The Medication Reminder App that Promises More”

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