Technology Made Us Healthier or Lousier the Ultimate Debate

Did technology make us healthier or lousier? The answer depends on the person you ask this question to. If you ask this to your grandmother, the answer would be “Of course it has made us unhealthy, look at the thickness of your glasses and the hump you are growing because you are always working on your laptop.” If you ask the same question to me, my answer would be “Well, I work in the healthcare industry providing healthcare services to people.” Even after this witty response, the question makes me ponder over the harms and benefits of technology. One thing is set, like every other thing technology has its pros and cons. Maybe the answer lies in the balance. Let’s find out.

Ill Effects of Technology on Health

Today’s generation is depressed because they have lost real connection and are always into their phones is a phrase you must have heard a bazillion times. And trust me, you cannot negate it completely. The overuse of technology has been a reason behind this rise in mental illnesses. About 20% of teens and adolescents suffer from mental disorders and this number has been on a rise for a long.

Ill Effects of technology on health - weak eyesight

Being indulged in gadgets and other fruits of technology, makes you lose touch with reality. People now crave likes more than affection; they want to snap a moment to upload it instead of living it. The overload of violent games has made violence trivial. The easy access to porn has ruined generations and the bad news from across the globe has taken a toll on our little minds.

Always sitting with a bent back and looking at your phone is a sign enough to define the ill effects of technology on your health. The rays, the light, and the sound everything related to technology have some kind of ill effect on your health. From mouse finger pains to a weak eyesight technology can affect any and every part of your body. People often relate technology to the use of mobile phones or laptops only. But the radiations that machines emit are a culprit of poor health too.

Ways in Which Technology is Transforming Health and Healthcare for the Better

There is no denying that the overuse of technology shows its ill effects on human physical and mental health. But the same technology can be used to devise methods that can diagnose and treat medical issues.

1. Awareness

Technology is being used to raise awareness regarding anything and everything. It is through technology that we have succeeded in raising awareness regarding mental health. Technology has enabled us to learn more the coronavirus. It is through technology that we know all about various diseases and no longer has to wait for a doctor for simple treatments.

2. Diagnosis

All medical diagnosis owes their existence to technology. From MRI machines to simple blood testing, all have the technology to thank too. The advancement in healthcare technology is remarkable. Not long ago people had only the color of their skin to diagnose an issue. Now they can insert a whole camera into the human body and precisely measure the type, location, and intensity of an issue.

3. Treatment

Healthcare technology

Radiotherapy, an esteemed treatment for many issues uses computers and lasers for its effective application. Similarly, treatment from as simple as a PRP, to as complex as a Septal Myectomy of the heart all depend on technology.

4. Tracking

One of the most important and complex aspect of a healthcare system is the tracking process. Every health care system requires an efficient tracking and follow-up record to maintain the quality of its services. More than maintaining quality it is about the health of the patients. One wrong record can take someone’s life. Technology has made tracking keeping a lot easier and reliable. Hospitals no more have to use registers and ink to keep lousy records.

5. Telemedicine

Telemedicine has revolutionized the healthcare industry. Technology has enabled you to consult a doctor from the comfort of your home. Telemedicine was already on a surge but the pandemic has made it even more important. Hospitals being full of serious patients became the hub of the coronavirus. People wanting to be on the safe side wanted something with easy access, that is when the telemedicine portals like came to the rescue. Allowing people to consult the best physician from the comfort and safety of their home, telemedicine revolutionized the healthcare industry for the better and there is no turning back. Once people have enjoyed the convenience of consulting a doctor online, they will no longer want to spend their time and energies, reaching a hospital.

Hiba Batool

Author Bio:
Hiba Batool is a medical researcher and writer at

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