The Benefits of SMS Marketing for Your Businesses

Benefits of SMS Marketing

Marketing is an essential ingredient in ensuring the success of any business, regardless of size or industry. After all, marketing is the main way you communicate your product or service offering to your customers. Without it, they would have no idea that your product or service is even available, let alone how amazing it is and why they should buy it.

Over the years and with the evolution of technology, marketing has become increasingly complex and multifaceted. In addition to traditional advertising there’s also social media marketing (such as Facebook marketing), video content marketing, direct email marketing, and much more. Another form of marketing you may have heard of is SMS (text message) marketing, which is more powerful than you may realize in reaching your target market. Here are some of the top benefits of SMS marketing for businesses.

1. Extremely High Open Rate

Believe it or not, SMS marketing messages have the highest open rate of all advertising channels: a whopping 98% open rate, to be exact. SMS marketing messages also only have a 1% spam rate, making the legitimacy of this form of marketing even higher. In contrast, email marketing only has a 22% open rate; this is largely because of how quickly email grew in popularity, making it more susceptible to spam. In short, no marketing tactic will get you nearly as many opens as SMS marketing.

2. Reach a Massive Range of Customers

Are you wondering how many people you’ll be able to reach through SMS marketing? To answer your question, let’s take a look at the numbers for a moment: roughly 1.5 billion people worldwide regularly send and receive text messages from mobile phones, accounting for approximately 65% of the global population. This means that, by sending SMS marketing messages, you’ll have the capacity to reach a much wider demographic than with other marketing platforms.

3. Instant Delivery

If you want the peace of mind that your messaging is being delivered as soon as you send it, SMS marketing is the perfect fit for you. SMS marketing functions the same way as regular text messaging in that the communications are sent and delivered the second you hit the send button. A marketing approach like this is an excellent time-saver for busy business owners.

4. Completely Customizable

You can use SMS marketing for just about any kind of promotion you could think of. Do you have an exciting event coming up that you want more customers to attend? Send them a text. Offering an amazing discount on some of your products? Shoot off an SMS to let them know. Simply adjust the text of your message to match the promotion and send it off to start reaping the rewards of increased promotion.

Start exploring the benefits of SMS marketing by working with a SMS software company like Tatango who can help you make the most of this incredible marketing tool.

Clearly, there are plenty of upsides to using SMS marketing for your business, from increased open rates to complete customization of messaging. No matter how large or small your business is, there’s no better time than right now to begin investigating your options for SMS marketing.

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