6 Mistakes To Avoid With Your Facebook Marketing

Facebook Marketing

Facebook is one of the most used websites in the world. So it’s understandable to use its power to market your brand to an audience that’s separated by demographically as well as geographically. But to achieve that, you need to possess strong marketing skills and content that caters to a wide variety of audience. Sometimes you might feel that all the efforts that you put in aren’t giving you the desired results, this might be due to improper marketing methodologies. There are plenty of ways you can improve your Facebook marketing and you can start by avoiding these 6 common Facebook marketing mistakes.

Don’t over advertise

Ads on Facebook are a great way to increase reach on Facebook and market your product to a wide variety of audience but this Facebook feature should be used carefully. Over advertising can cause the same damage to your page and same is true for not advertising at all. In fact, recent researches show that users will start to get annoyed if they see the same ad over and over again.

You can prevent this by setting up a custom schedule for your Facebook ad campaign. Using the custom settings available in the feature, you can show your ads only during a set number of days that are most relevant to your target audience. Reaching out to customers at relevant times and in a limited manner decreases the risk of over exposure and will help you gain popularity on Facebook.

Less engagement

One of the most important things that help gain popularity on Facebook is user engagement. Users do not like their messages and comments to be left on read or seen. A simple reply from the page owner will keep them entertained and increase your response rate as well as user engagement. A lower response time is as important as likes and comments that your content receives.

People tend to like pages and brands that have a high response rate as it shows how committed the brand is towards its user base. If you feel overwhelmed by the messages and comments you get on your page then you can hire a person or a team to handle them and filter out the ones that require your attention.

Using irrelevant hashtags

Hashtags are a great way to increase your reach, visibility and likes just by including a simple piece of text but you should not overdo it or use one that isn’t related to your content in any way. Many companies use irrelevant hashtags that are trending in the market to gain a massive audience.

But what they don’t understand is that it will help their posts get likes and visibility for a short duration of time and will ultimately be harmful for the page. While using proper hashtags will help you target the right audience, create engagement and make a positive impact on your Facebook page.

Not Enough Visuals

It is a proven fact that people are attracted to visuals more than texts and social media has a big role in that. Majority of users do not like reading long paragraphs, instead they would prefer a poster or a video that best describes your brand but make sure that it’s short and simple. A complex poster or a long video might confuse the user and make him/her lose interest quickly.

The KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid!) principle should be applied here. Most people do not have the time or energy to read a lengthy post filled with jargons. So to keep the user engaged, it is important to put across your point in the least amount of time possible. If you’re running an e-commerce business without a physical store, take advantage of social media to display your products. Great photos are a must to attract attention and interest from potential customers, and if you have great branded product packaging, take advantage of that. Customized packaging that is neat and well-designed can be a potent marketing tool when used right.

Not Knowing Your Audience

It doesn’t matter how good your marketing methods are, they won’t do any good to you or your page unless they are aimed at the right audience. So understanding your target audience comes first but how would you know if you’re targeting the right audience or not. You can start by doing a simple customer survey to find out your audience’s age, jobs, location, lifestyle and area of interests.

After getting all the data give Facebook Audience Insights a try. It will help you find out what’s common and where to focus to get the most likes, views and comments possible. It will also aid you cater to a much more wider audience and create a bigger fan following.

Not Branding Your Content

Most budding entrepreneurs don’t know that getting attention should not be their only goal. If you focus too much in putting efforts on marketing then you fans might tune out. So your main goal should be branding your content. Branding will help you gain popularity on Facebook as well as create your image as an entrepreneur rather than a simple Facebook page.

You can do this by making entertaining posts that are relevant to the goods and services that you are marketing. It will keep the users engaged and might help you build a larger audience which will ultimately lead to more customers for your brand and higher retention rate.

Facebook Marketing banner image by Jossian via cleanpng.com.

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