Tuenti On The Rise

Tuenti which is referred to as “Spanish Facebook” is the fastest rising global search term that has even ranked 4th in the top ten most searched terms in 2008. The total estimated users is over 5 million and rising.
Tuenti social network
Tuenti is a small-scale social network aimed at the Spanish speaking world. It is the Spain’s most successful social network that features very localized content including info about schools, networks and entertainment stuff. For these reasons Tuenti is the much better social network to join if you are Spanish and you want to see only the most relevant information.

Tuenti is in private beta even after year and half of its arrival and is running on invitation only basis. This is mainly because the guys behind Tuenti wanted to keep it small and as much localized as possible.

The unique features like localization, privacy, realness of the information on the profile and realness of the connection between users really differentiates Tuenti from other popular social networks like Facebook and Myspace which are all targeted on global audience and aims at collecting friends from all over the world. Moreover, Tuenti assures you of connecting to only those members whose real identity is known to you and whom you can interact on a daily basis. Especially features like localization and invite-only can only make this happen and it can also reduce a lot of fake or spam accounts as we can see in other social networks.

That is why “Tuenti is a Social Network with a Difference”

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