Proven Ways of Advertising Your e-Commerce

e-commerce business

When it comes to your unique selling proposition, the product and the content are not all that matters. Sometimes, the channel that the offer comes through is just as important. Picking the right platform, the right format and the right audience can make a difference between making a sale and losing a customer for good. This is especially true in e-commerce where, due to the abundance of choice, conversion rates tend to be significantly lower than in some other industries. With that in mind and without further ado, here are five proven ways of advertising your e-commerce business.

   1. Blogging

One of the main reasons why blogging is so great for promoting your e-commerce is due to the fact that you have access to so many qualified leads. Think about it, for as long as your linking is organic, all your audience are low-hanging fruits. If you’re selling gardening equipment and hosting a gardening blog, there’s nothing more natural than linking towards items in your stock. However, some people push this too far and try to cram as many links in order to increase traffic. This increases their bounce rate, makes them lose credibility and doesn’t really benefit their sales in any way.

   2. Social Media Ads

Another amazing idea is to try advertising your goods via social media ads. Instagram and Facebook ads still spearhead in sales. This is mostly due to the fact that both of these platforms are A) ad friendly and B) have the right demographics. Sure, some other platforms (TikTok, Snapchat, etc.) may be more attractive to Gen Z. However, when it comes to purchasing powers, millennials and boomers are still way ahead. The ROI of this method is simply staggering. For instance, there’s a fact that Carousel ads on Facebook increase conversion by a staggering 20 percent. Lower cost per conversion is also a crucial factor.

   3. Investing in SEO

By investing in inbound marketing, you’re allowing people to find you on their own instead of having to approach them. The reason behind this is the fact that when people are approached (especially with hard-sell tactics), their defense mechanisms come online automatically. According to SEO Sydney veterans, the reason why SEO is so effective is that it appears spontaneous and non-imposing. In other words, people who discover you will do this on their own accord, thus avoid a lot of suspicion towards the goods that you’re peddling.

   4. Podcast Advertising

The podcast is one of the quickest-growing forms out there. This is due to its nature, which allows people to multitask while consuming content. People listen to podcasts while driving, doing household chores or even doing jobs that don’t require too much focus. This leads to the fact that people consume an insane amount of podcast content on a daily and weekly basis. Also, a podcaster can send a lot more information about your brand to their target audience. If you manage to persuade them to endorse you, they can give their own unique angle on your business to their audience. This form of break-down can be incredibly effective.

   5. Starting a PR Campaign

One of the most effective forms of advertisement is – telling your story to the public. Every company starts small and as an e-commerce business, you have just the background that people want to hear. Your PR team is the one putting a positive spin on the story in question, which allows you to form the narrative to suit all your needs. This is the first step towards building proper rank awareness, seeing as how you need to start from brand recognition. A proper PR campaign is quite complex to pull off, which is why you will need all the help you can get.

In conclusion

As we’ve already stated, in order to be effective, your offer needs to be organic. What this means is that you need to find the right blogs and podcasts to advertise on and that you have to find the right audience. When it comes to SEO, picking adequate unique keywords will ensure that you’re always discovered by low-hanging fruits (qualified leads). It is your job to shape your brand according to your audience, not the other way around.

e-commerce featured photo by bastamanography on Flickr.

Proven Ways of Advertising Your e-Commerce 1

Author bio:

Ayla Anderson is an avid reader and an enthusiastic blogger who writes articles on home improvement, business, family, beauty, and SEO for the prestigious SEO Sydney veterans. She is also an MBA student who spends much of her time giving advice to newly small businesses on how to grow their businesses. You can follow her on Twitter.

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