3 Proven Ways to Finding the Perfect Name for Your Tech Company

Female electronics engineer runs vehicle tests

Although the ultimate dream of every entrepreneur who has ever created a wonderful piece of technology is to have the world recognize and use their invention to solve problems, only a select number of entrepreneurs ever get to achieve this dream.

And one major reason tons of notable tech-related companies continue to underperform is that they have dull names that don’t capture the excitement that’ll help them stand out from other similar companies and get recognized by their target audience.

If your company must survive in its industry, it needs to have the perfect name, and this article can help you find the right name for your business.

But first, let’s begin by understanding…

Why Every Business needs a Great Brand Name

We keep seeing how most successful companies today dumped their fragile names in favor of stronger ones.

We saw major companies like Jerry’s Guide to the World Wide Web, Walton’s Five and Dime, DrivUrSelf, Unadulterated Food Products, and Blue Ribbon Sports transform themselves into Yahoo, Walmart, Hertz, Snapple, and Nike.

These companies made a move to more powerful names because it could help them with:

  • Creating a distinct brand identity
  • Differentiating their companies from their rivals
  • Increasing the number of people who know about their brands
  • Developing a strong relationship with their audience
  • Increasing the number of client referrals
  • Improving their product’s sales
  • Lowering the price of advertising
  • Recruiting top-notch staff

Getting the perfect brand name is the most crucial part of creating a strong reputation for your company.

And just in case you want to start a company, or you already have one but don’t know how to look for a great brand name, don’t worry; we’ve got you covered.

Here’s how to come up with the right name.

3 Proven Ways to Finding the Perfect Tech Company Brand Name

Start by Understanding your Company, Customers, and Competitors

Woman in black blazer holding white tablet computer photo
Courtesy: Unsplash

The first step to finding the perfect name is to have a complete understanding of your company, its products and services, and what distinguishes them from other products. You also need to understand how you can satisfy the needs of your potential customers.

But while trying to understand your company and its audience, also make sure you pay close attention to your competitors, their services, and what elevates their products in the market.

Knowing the inside and out of your tech company can help you choose the perfect tone for your brand name, whether it’d be fun, prestigious, inviting, or emotionally impacting. Your brand tone will go a long way in simplifying the process of finding your company’s name.

But that’s not all; you also need to know the core message your brand name should send to your potential customers. And you can do that by writing a brief project statement that summarizes your brand’s core message.

Here are some samples that can help you get started:

  • Our high-end record label needs a professional name that showcases our class.
  • Our tech company needs a fun and unique name that’ll stick in the minds of our audience and distinguish us from other companies.

Figure out the Ideas Driving your Company

Black asphalt road between brown fields during daytime
Courtesy: Unsplash

You’ll need to figure out what concepts your brand name should represent. We typically encourage business owners to concentrate on communicating one or two fundamental concepts vital to their business, culture, and values rather than focusing on the technical aspects of their company.

So, go ahead and compress all of your brand’s concepts into three to six words or themes that you want your intended audience to connect with it.

Brainstorm for Unique Names

Now it’s time to put all the ideas you’ve generated from the previous processes into work. Grab a pen and paper—or your iPad if you’re more tech-inclined—some light refreshment, creative music, and start writing every name that aligns with your tech company.

But while brainstorming, keep an eye out for certain trouble spots and steer clear of them because, with so many factors at play, it’s easy to fall into a trap and chose a name that would harm your brand’s reputation.

Steer clear of these trouble spots:

  • Words like force, authority, and unified because they are generic terms
  • Long and complex words because they’d confuse your audience
  • Words with an unsavory meaning in another language
  • Single English words because nearly every one of them has already been claimed. Single English words are quickly going extinct.

Now, although it might take quite a while to come up with the perfect name for your tech company, getting a team that’d help you brainstorm and discussing your business with them is one method to cut down on the time it takes.

Get your team to stretch their reach as much as possible when brainstorming so they can come up with several unique names for your company.

If you’re too preoccupied with setting up other aspects of your business and it seems impossible that you’d ever have the time to craft a perfect name for your company, then the best path for you would be a reliable business name generator.

Stand with a Great Name

Don’t stop with getting an excellent name; make sure you put it out there in front of your target audience by getting active in your local community, releasing great content on social media, and running ads.

Grant Polachek

Author Bio:
Grant Polachek is the Head of Branding at Inc 500 company Squadhelp.com, the worlds #1 naming platform, with 30,000+ customers from early-stage startups across the globe to the largest corporations including Nestle, Philips, Hilton, Pepsi, and AutoNation. Get inspired by exploring these winning business name ideas.

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