Windows Tweak To Redirect any Website

With this simple tweak you can automatically redirect any website to your desired location. This can be a nice little trick when used as a parental control to redirect adult sites to your desired ones.

Here is how you can do it:
1. Goto Start–>Run… and type    %windir%system32driversetc
Run Command

2. From the windows that pops-up, find a file named hosts and open it with Notepad.

3. For example, if you want to redirect to
(yah I mean it coz bloggersbase is gonna be the next popular blogging platform for newbie bloggers.) type below syntax to the last line of the file and save it.     #redirect blogger to bloggersbase

In the above syntax is the IP of bloggersbase.
So this is the place to give the IP of the website to which the url entered next has to be redirected. Maintain atleast one space between them.
Also you can add your comments to the line with a “#” symbol before the comment.
Better use this comment section to denote where you have redirected any site for future reference.

Now, when you type in your browser address bar you will be taken to bloggersbase. Hope you will be amazed with the happenings.

This can also be used as a dirty little trick on your friends PC, to redirect him to your site when he tries to visit famous sites like Facebook or Twitter.

And if you want to remove the redirection just delete the line you have added and save.

Here is how you can find the IP address of any web site:

Command PromptGo to Start–>Run.. and type cmd or command and click OK which open the Command Prompt Window(DOS).

Now, to know IP address of enter the following command


This will return a result similar to the following that contains the IP address:
Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:
. . . . . . .

Try this trick on your PC and post in your valuable comments giving more ideas of where this trick can be used.

Please don’t use this trick for any harassment.

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