Facebook Login Using Facebook Platform Opt In Notification

Good that I had already enabled login notifications on Facebook to protect my Facebook account information. I have been receiving messages for unauthorized logins these days subjected Facebook login using Facebook Platform Opt In that says

It looks like someone used your Facebook account to log into ‘Facebook Platform Opt In'(Monday, June 13, 2011 at 5:52 AM).

Was this you? If so, you can disregard the rest of this email.

Sure, it wasn’t authorized by me and so it seems like my Facebook account was accessed using ‘Facebook Platform Opt In’

And when clicked on the roadblock link sent to protect my Facebook account information, it returns an error page saying

Facebook Login Using Facebook Platform Opt In Notification - An error has occurred. Please contact Help Center

An error has occurred. Please contact Help Center.

If any of you are facing similar issues on Facebook, then do comment here so that we can discuss and find a better solution for this unauthorised login issue on Facebook. And lets connect on Facebook too. Add me @ https://www.facebook.com/ramarao.bobby1 | Also like and share Tech-Wonders.com Facebook page inviting your friends to like it. Thank You Very Much!!

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