10 Valuable Alternatives to Google AdSense

If you are a blogger then you can understand that one of the purposes for having blog is to make money online especially with Google AdSense.

Google AdSense is one of the well known revenue sharing Ads program which can be beneficial for you to earn money online. What if you don’t have Google AdSense account, but you are still willing to earn money online. Here I have found 10 valuable alternatives to Google AdSense for you. If you use these programs I can say that they can be beneficial to increase your daily revenue.

10 Alternatives to Google Adsense

Google AdSense Alternatives zoozoo
Even there are many valuable companies which can be best alternative to Google AdSense. If they are not popular among the internet users, it does not mean that they are not effective. I have personal experience with couple of them and have found them effective. What I will recommend you is that you should search internet to find more companies for your needs after you are finished with the list below:

LinkShareJoin the largest affiliate network. Its free and easy.

I found this website a year back and I can say that this can be a great website to earn more revenue, if you are running a blog. Once you register with LinkShare you can access huge number of offers to participate and there is no doubt you can start making money right away.


If you think that other affiliate programs are not working for you, you can also try eBay to earn some revenue. Even you cannot earn more with eBay but after all it can be effective for you. eBay can be a useful alternative to other famous programs available over World Wide Web.


Are you looking for some useful alternative to Google AdSense revenue sharing program? Kontera can be the best solution for you.


Every one who is using internet since couple of years or more will be familiar with famous online shopping platform Amazon. Amazon also shares revenue with the affiliate marketers. Sign up free for the account and you can place products and banners for each and every product on your blog to sell and earn commission.


ClickBank is another famous affiliate program that can be useful to generate revenue from the products sold by you. You sell their products and they pay you commission for it.


You are looking for some other CPC program that can be similar to Google AdSense then AdBrite is the best solution for you.


Infolinks is one of the best alternatives to Google AdSense and is effective because of text ads.


If you are running a small website or blog, and willing to generate more then monetizing with Bidvertiser can be affective for you.


Media.Net offers any type of ads you can use to earn more money. They are content ads, search targeting, web bar, and mobile ads.


Chitika is one of the well known platforms you can use as a best alternative for Google AdSense. The uniqueness with Chitika is that ads are targeted; ads are not displayed at the moment the web page is visited from search engine.

6 thoughts on “10 Valuable Alternatives to Google AdSense”

  1. Hey, this is Tammy from Infolinks. Thanks for adding us to your list of AdSense Alternatives. Infolinks also functions well as an AdSense supplement – our publishers find that this is the best combination for optimized monetization. Please feel free to contact us for more info – support@infolinks.com. Happy blogging.

  2. Hi Junaid,
    I have tested many and of these ad networks in the last 3 years and definitely Adsense is much better than Bidvertiser and Chitika by far.

  3. I have tested most of them you mentioned here but none of them are as good and valid as Google AdSense. Google AdSense Rocks!!

  4. Google AdSense is the best in terms of accuracy, but those are good alternatives! Each platform has proven its worth when it comes to online marketing. Undoubtedly, it also helps improve the search engine rankings of a certain brand. Each has a different way of branding products.

  5. @arunraj Yes, most of them do fit into your website but it would be too harsh on the visitors being fed with so many ads on webpages. Better you work with Adsense (and Chitika) as they’re the easiest and most efficient ways to earn money from websites or blogs.

  6. Google AdSense’s precision is unparalleled, but these alternatives offer compelling options. Over the past three years, I’ve experimented with several ad networks, and I must say, AdSense stands out as the leader, surpassing Bidvertiser and Chitika by a significant margin. Each platform has its unique strengths in online marketing, contributing to improved search engine rankings for brands.

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