#Wikipediablackout – Stop SOPA and PROTECT-IP

In protest against the two bills in US Congress: Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and Preventing Real Online Threats to Economic Creativity and Theft of Intellectual Property Act (PROTECTIP or PIPA), English Wikipedia is going on a blackout for 24 hours, beginning from January 18, Wed 10:30 IST to January 19, Thu 10:30 IST.

imagine a world without free knowledge

During blackout period, any English Wikipedia page shows a banner notice titled ‘Imagine a World Without Free Knowledge’ purposed for creating awareness about SOPA and PIPA and encourage users to speak-up on this issue with their elected representatives and via social media sites like Google+, Twitter and Facebook.

And in case of emergency, content on English Wikipedia can still be accessible at Wikipedia mobile site using mobile devices or smart phone and on your browsers by completely disabling JavaScript option.

The main problem with SOPA and PIPA is, these two worrisome bills have provisions for copyright holders to take down entire websites and domains due to which, chances are that sites protecting free speech and exchange of information online like Wikipedia, Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, Reddit, Scribd, Tumblr and more could simply disappear from the web.

I support Wikipedia blackout and strongly oppose SOPA and PROTECT-IP which threatens free speech and open internet worldwide.

Come Speak-Up Now! Together we can preserve a free and open Internet.

Please show your support and share this post with your friends. Thanks!!

2 thoughts on “#Wikipediablackout – Stop SOPA and PROTECT-IP”

  1. US congress trying to change the meaning of internet which is against the vision of the founder of internet. I believe the basic idea of internet is to share ideas and thoughts without any Restrictions. "Please Do not try to impose a threat to this ocean of knowledge"

  2. Agreed — SOPA and PIPA are just bad, bad laws and dreadful examples of self-serving pieces of legislation that were bought and paid for by special interests. If Congress still represented us rather than groups motivated by their selfish desires, these bills wouldn't be a concern.

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