8 Tips On Crafting a Brief For Your Office Interior Design Project

Redesigning or designing your office can be a fun but daunting task. This is why most offices create a design brief where they tackle all of the important points of your process. This essentially a guide that focuses on the end results of the space changing. You should start this working document as a client and then later the interior designer can build it up and add to it. The interior designer will then create a final design, its aesthetic and functionality. This helps you narrow down the focus on what you really want to get from the design.

Here are some tips on writing a brief for your office interior design whether you just want to include wireless charging in furniture or something bigger:

Crafting a Brief For Your Office Interior Design Project
Office Interior Design | Image Source: officeprinciples.com

Think about your company

This may sound a bit too basic and not too useful but this bit in your brief will help the designer understand your company better and what they have to do in order to make your space work for you.

This will include describing your history and your vision for the future of your company. You don’t want to do the redesign too often so it’s best to build a space you can grow into.

Discover the size of the project

In this section of your brief you should describe what you need and what you want to achieve. You can split this into several parts describing what you need in each room and what it will be used for so that the designer can work according to your needs.

This means defining which places will be involved in the redesign process. For instance, there are meeting rooms, private offices, reception, lounge, cafeteria, open space and so on, depending on what your office has.

Learn about the services needed

In your brief, you should also list all of the services that will be necessary in your office space. This way, the designer will include all of those elements into their design to make the office functional for your employees.

Here are some of the things to consider:

  • Electrical installation
  • Ventilation and AC
  • Access control and CCTV
  • AV Conferencing
  • Structured cabling
  • Alarms and fire warnings
  • Mechanical installation
  • Wireless charging office

Look at the guidelines

Some companies have certain guidelines on how their offices should look. These exist because companies want synchronized, uniform, branded look in their offices. There may be some negotiation here but most companies require that their guidelines are strictly followed. Make sure your include this in your plans.

Tools that will help you with writing

In writing your brief, you need to be accurate, concise and clear. However, this requires professional writing. But, fortunately, you don’t have to be an expert at this to make it work. Here are some tools for brief writing, recommended by other offices and managers.

  • ViaWriting.com and SimpleGrad.com – These great grammar resources will help you find your way through a myriad of grammar mistakes that you might’ve made in your brief.
  • MyWritingWay.com and StateOfWriting.com – These are writing blogs which share valuable information on writing and creating briefs.
  • WritingPopulist.com and LetsGoAndLearn.com – You can find many great articles in these resources that could help you with your brief.

The budget

“One of the most important things when creating a brief is thinking about your budget. You have to stay within the given lines and not spend more than you can afford,” says a content writer from BigAssignments.com, Stephanie Bills.

Following the trends

Trends are great because they take the current situation in the business world and what the people need. It can vastly improve your office functionality and efficiency.

Here are some of the trends you should consider:

  • Bringing the outdoor in
  • Desk with wireless charging
  • Hiding the wires
  • Lounge areas
  • Organization by colour
  • Community tables
  • Mix of textures
  • Flexible layouts

The goal of the project

Finally, you should write about the goal of your project. This will help the designer realize what you need and adapt the design according to that. For instance, you might want to improve efficiency, employee experience, happiness at the workplace or productivity.

Creating The Perfect Office Space

Building a perfect office space takes time, effort and collaboration on all fronts. This brief can largely make your operations run more smoothly and speed up the overall process. Hopefully, these tips will help you.

Grace Carter photo

Author Bio: Grace Carter is a content manager at BoomEssays and UKWritings services. She writes about latest educational trends and reviews tech submissions. Also Grace teaches academic writing at Essay Roo website.

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