How to Choose the Right Laptop for College

Many college students think that they cannot get a good laptop on a budget. However, there are so many valuable laptops in the market that come at affordable prices. As you look for a laptop, remember you’ll not use it for assignments alone. You need a machine that allows you to be entertained over the weekends.

If you love to watch movies, you need a laptop that has a reasonable storage capacity. Even if you’re completing an assignment over the weekend, the laptop should accord you smooth browsing experience. You want an easy time accessing a ewriting service you can trust.

So many factors come into play when it comes to choosing the best laptop for college. The one thing you need to understand is that what works for one person might not work for you. Make sure you clearly understand what you need in a laptop before you go shopping.

Laptops are multipurpose devices that can be used to write essays, play video games, stream music online, and so much more. If you’re a gamer, what you want is a high-end gaming laptop. If you’re not into video games, an entry-level laptop should do.

The most important thing to consider is the budget you’re working with. The money you have determines the laptop you can access.

Hopefully, this guide will help you have an easier time making your choice of laptop.

Laptop for College Students

Decide on Your Budget

Before anything else, you have to decide how much you’re willing to spend on a laptop. Before you settle for a number, you’ll have to conduct extensive research. Different price ranges come with varied features. The features you need in a laptop will determine which price range to go for.

You need to know what to prioritize because laptop features are so many. If you have no idea what makes a good laptop, consult a professional about it.

Decide on the Operating System You Prefer 

The operating system of a laptop significantly contributes to how it will operate. You need to go with a suitable operating system that will stand the test of time. A popular operating system to consider is Windows 10. Many laptops today come with this OS pre-installed.

The good thing about operating systems is that you can easily change it if your current one does not suit you.

You should also think about software compatibility when choosing your laptop’s operating system. For instance, there are software packages that can only run on Mac or Linux and not on Windows. The course you’re taking and the resources you need come into play here.

Think about RAM and the Processor

Laptops mainly run on AMD and Intel processors. You’ll require a professional’s opinion about this if you know nothing about laptop capacity.

If you use your laptop mainly for your assignments, movies, and game titles, an AMD A8 processor or an Intel Core i3 should suffice. You can also consider an AMD A-Series A6 machine as it has more or less the same capacity as the aforementioned ones.

However, if you want to use your laptop to run graphically intense programs, you might need a more powerful processor. It will be better to spend more and get the horsepower you need. An Intel Core i5/ i7 or an AMD A10 processor is what you need in this case.

Now let’s look at the RAM (Random Access Memory).

Well, most laptops today come with 4 GM of RAM, which suffices for an excellent browsing experience, and you’ll also be in a position to use the laptop for daily assignments.

If you’re looking to get more functionality, consider a machine with 8 GB of RAM. This will allow you to multitask without compromising the speed of your machine easily.


As you can see, so many factors come into play when choosing a laptop. Do your research, so you know exactly which features you need to prioritize.

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