We have always known that helping others when they are in need is a kind of human value for which people feel thankful and must be done if we see someone in trouble. There are a lot of people who like to help others solve their problem as it provides them satisfaction and a deep sense of gratitude from within. In the same vein, there are also a lot of bloggers who like to help fellow Samaritans so that their pressing issues could be addressed. However, while doing so, there can be many types of physical obstacles, and getting rid of them may not always be easy.
However, blogging anonymously can be a very good way of helping and sorting out other’s problems. The pressing issues of people can be addressed in this way, and their voices can be heard by the concerned people where they can get a fair hearing. Anonymous blogging has been picking up lately due to this reason, and many others that can help in empowering fellow citizens.
Lending a voice to the voiceless

There are many underprivileged people who may not have the resources or intellect to make things work in their favor. As a result, they will be living their life on the brink at most times, and their issues may not get highlighted, whereas the fact is that they are as important as any other people in a society. Anonymous blog platforms can help in raising their voices so that they can also get a fair hearing for their problems. This type of blog can address the issues that they face and the circumstances under which they perform.
If this type of blog is written on a continuous basis with all the facts and data, it can have some very good implications so that their plight can get highlighted. The people who are supposed to hear them have to take note of their sufferings and work towards their betterment. Thus blogging anonymously can be very helpful for people who may not be in a position to highlight their problems.
Sharing one’s experience can be fulfilling

Helping others is a noble deed, but sharing one’s experience can also be needed at times so that more people can get benefited. Anonymous blogs can be a good way to share one’s experience without the fear of being recognized or reprimanded. Anonymous blog platforms can provide a space where one can easily share one’s past and how that may have helped in the future. Many times, past experiences may not be pleasant, and so sharing them with a known name may not be easy.
Staying anonymous can be helpful in that case as the experience can be lived once again, and that can be helpful for a lot of readers so that they can become aware of it. If an anonymous blogger shares an experience that people may not like with them to happen, then all care can be taken by readers so that they stay cautious.
The culprit or situation can be known by all

Talking about one’s experience, an anonymous blogger can throw light on the situation or culprit due to which that experience may have happened. Readers can get a fair idea of the situation or the person due to which such a circumstance may have taken place and can keep them away from it. Anonymous blogs can help in making people more aware, and many types of real-life situations can be discussed with ease. It can help in making people understand some of the conditions where people may have to take hard calls in life.
This type of blog can be quite fulfilling for many people who can get sufficient knowledge by going through a blogger’s account.
All types of neglected issues can be taken up

Blogs with author names may not deal with many issues that need attention because a lot of issues can be controversial and touching upon them may lead to people getting offended. Hence, a lot of issues may get buried without any hearing. For example, child abuse is an area that needs constant watch so that the malaise can be fixed. There are many well-known bloggers who write on the topic, but there are a lot of anonymous bloggers too who provide ample facts and figures to substantiate their claims. This type of blog with facts and figures can be very attractive for readers and for people who are concerned with child abuse.
Hence, neglected issues can be shared with ease by remaining anonymous, yet the crux of the matter can be brought to light without much problem. There are many neglected issues blogging on, which may not be easy openly, but by staying anonymous, one can highlight them properly so that corrective action can be taken.
Therefore, in these ways and many others, anonymous bloggers can help people by concealing themselves through anonymity and yet bring a topic forward so that people can take note of it.