Ultimate Guide to Mobile API Security

API Security

Application Program Interface (API) enables access to another party’s application of their page. In today’s generation, more and more people are switching to using smartphones. Thus, if you are looking to increase traffic and generate revenue for your business, it is logical to develop mobile apps. But, developing mobile apps can be time-consuming and costly, and one of the ways to cut time and expense is by using APIs. In a nutshell, the API will enable access to an application of another party’s platform, thus, making your app easy to use.

Yet, APIs need to be secure to ensure that they are not broken or exposed as they might attract hackers, and you will end up dealing with data breaches. That is the reason it is imperative to evolve the API security automated process. The best way to ensure that your company is protected is by conducting security and penetration testing. Automating these processes will ensure that the processes are automated. Thus, this will free up resources and ensure that the ecosystem remains to be impenetrable. Here is an ultimate guide to mobile API security.

  • Recognize The Risk

It is not possible to protect your APIs if you do not understand the risk you are facing. Nowadays, you are likely to find that the back ends and the front ends are linked to an assortment of components. If you leave any loophole, you will be giving the hackers leeway to get into your system. Keep in mind the hackers are masterminds, and they will find ways out and use it for despicable purposes. Thus, you need to understand the API and how it works to identify the risk. When you know the risk you are dealing with, it will be easy to set up security measures and keep the data secure.

It is best to put more focus on security instead of agility and functionality. Note that if your API is not as secure, then it will cost you a great deal. For that reason, organizations should focus on building secure APIs.

  • Proper Management

Having proper management of the API is essential. One of the ways to manage the API is by setting up security testing. Without an effective authorization mechanism, you will find your API’s chances to suffer an attack are high. Broken authentication occurs when the APIs do not enforce authentication or if the authentication factor can be broken. Given that the APIs are the entry point of any organization, you need to ensure that it is protected.

Before allowing access to a user, you need to inquire if they are who they claim to be. Once you are sure, the next step is to look into the authorization. The last thing you need when running an organization is to have information falling into the wrong hands. Thus, this is why you need to ensure that a user is authorized before they access any information.

  • Keep A Keen Eye On Add-On Software

One of the reasons that the APIs interface has grown popular is that it facilitates third-parties to write an add-on app for the platform. Most of the mobile solutions rely on the third-party platform to add value to the base system. When this happens, the developer’s System administrators get the rights and functionality to the developers. Note that the hackers will attempt to use the same privileges to get into a defenseless system.

In as much as you might need a third-party to add value to your base system, you need to ensure that the method you use is secure. That way, you will not have to worry about hackers who have ill motives getting into your system.

  • Protect The Backend

Most organizations will spend a lot of effort securing the front end. Despite this, hackers still manage to get into the system. If the backend is not secure, hackers will access the data they need and then leave. Thus, this is why you need to have a checkpoint on the backend. That way, even if the hacker gets any information, they will not move it into their system. If so, it will be of no use, which means that the data you have stored will still be secure.

Though you need to keep the front end secure to avoid hackers getting into the system, you also need to ensure that the backend is also protected. Even if you miss a hacker when they are getting into your system, you will still have a chance to prevent them from stealing confidential data when they are leaving.

  • Work With Standards Wisely

With the risk associated with having an API that is not secure, vendors are working on standards to ensure ease when implicating and enhancing the mobile app API security. However, the outcome is not always positive. Some of the authorization standards will allow the user to enjoy secure access to your system without sharing their credentials. An example of such a system is the oAuth, which in most cases is combined with the TSL. Yet, if you use oAuth the wrong way, it might end up exposing your clients, which will lead to the attackers stealing your identity.

When it comes to the API’s standard base, the standard use is HTTP, which is not secure. Since the hackers are aware, they will use this fact to try and get into your system. Even if you use the TLS, it might be possible for the hackers to get in. Thus, you should use HTTPS since it is more secure and will give hackers a hard time.


With the right adoption of the cloud, web, and mobile apps, APIs have increased significantly. The APIs are useful as it makes it easy for organizations to communicate with the users. But they are vulnerable, and if you do not put the right security measure in place, you might end up dealing with a security bridge. Businesses need to understand the importance of API security and put in place them. By doing this, they will have eliminated any significant security threats. The guide highlighted above will help ensure that your mobile API is secure.

API Security image by viitor technologies on Flickr.

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