It is always a question, how to get above average in the board classes? How to break the slab of 90+? Well, nothing is impossible. Rather, it is simple to score 90+ in 10th grade without many citations. Following some tips and strategies and practicing both hard work and smart work will get you through easily.

Managing your subjects:
Managing all subjects simultaneously can be a real struggle for students. Understanding the time duration to be spent on every subject is very important as you will be having 5 subjects to take care of and some might have 6 as well. Before you start, do decide which subjects are your weak parts and give more time to them. For subjects like maths and science, they require daily revision. History and other parts of SST can be covered with some days of increased sitting hours.
Dividing in chunks:
It is always easier to accomplish a small thing than thinking about a large piece which gives you stress and appears to be never-ending. Dividing your chapters into subtopics reduces a lot of stress especially in subjects like SST and Science. This is a procrastination poster because it works by having more work you have to do in smaller and more manageable ways. It also gives you set breaks for giving your mind and body a break. What happens when you work this way is that your mind restarts and usually perform better after taking breaks.
Rapid recitation:
Reading throughout the day makes studies boring and the brain gets tired. Instead, you can try reading few topics a day and then revise them 2-3 times so that every word gets absorbed in your body. Try reciting the topic aloud and also creating a short Pictionary of the topic for better understanding.
Set targets:
Setting targets for yourself is always going to keep you driven towards your goal, because time table gets monotonous sometimes. You should try interesting strategies like deciding to complete a chapter in 3 days, or maybe more. With this, you will be able to complete the tough topics as well, as most of the children keep it for the last minute. It is very important to complete the incomplete.
Instant notes:
A smart way out to save your time is to revise whatever is taught in the class gets over or you can recall previous notes for revision. Use these notes for quick recapitulation during examinations as it is not advisable to go through the entire chapter. Only important things should be revised every now and then. Prefer practicing writing the important things again and again through these notes as 80% of your paper will be based on those important things.
Previous years papers:
Practice previous years question papers so that you become familiar with the board exam pattern. It’s important to know what types of questions are asked, what is the weightage of marks, what is the marks distribution and all of that so do make sure you’re practising previous years board exam papers. A lot of students practice board exam papers at the last moment like just one week before the exam. So here’s an important tip to do it right now because before you start studying, you know what to expect, how to study and what are important topics.
Shrink what you have to revise if you want to make your revision super-efficient. You should keep reducing how much you need to revise. Even if your exam is a couple of months on, it’s a few weeks away. Imagine your exam is tomorrow. Start your revision practise as if the exam is tomorrow. Finish it completely, learn the formulas and important definitions, practice the hard questions; this will really help you to be confident since you don’t want to keep all the difficult things for the last moment. Also in daily routine studies, keep weekends to revise what all you’ve studied in the entire week. This strategy will keep you in touch with the previous topics also making it your strongest part.
Here, we are talking primarily about two factors: wherever you can, express your answers in points. Human brain can perceive points much better than it can perceive paragraphs. Even marks are based on the points you write. Try focusing on your handwriting, if it’s not that good at least manipulate it to be readable. Most of the time, students lose marks in this field. Considering the fact that the teacher has to check thousands of papers, make your sheet a feast for the teacher, this might end up getting you more marks. Leave lines in between all your answers, write what the teacher wants to read.
Avoid distractions:
Avoid all sorts of distractions, do not believe in unnecessary rumours that just going to shift you from your goal, do not divert your attention to electronics or mobile phones. You should refrain from using social media at least a month prior to exams. This will keep you more dedicated and sincere and will not let you indulge in any sort of unwanted complications. If you want to work at maximum efficiency, try sleeping for at least 6 to 7 hours a day so that your mind is fresh. Do not eat too much of heavy food because it will end up making you lazy and you will lose focus. You can also plan power naps in between studies so that it counts as a break and you do not have to waste more time on other things.
Be confident:
Be confident in yourself, assure yourself that you will score well no matter what, control your anxiety and your nervousness. Do not overthink, avoid a pessimistic attitude, meditate for 15 minutes daily so that you are stable and satisfied. This will help you function in a better way in the exam hall.