Top 5 Tech Trends of 2021 That Will Change the Course of the Future

Many technologies that will allow humanity to live completely differently in the future are being developed today. We advance with gigantic strides towards the high-speed Internet, the reign of AI, and quantum technologies. But first things first. If you are interested in what the future holds for the high-tech world, be sure to read the article to the end.

Technologies that are fundamentally changing the state of things

Top 5 Tech Trends of 2021: Large Satellites Constellations, 6G Deployment, Digital Money, Self-Powered AI, Quantum Computers
  • Large satellites constellations

The satellite mega-constellations are aimed to provide high-speed Internet access in all corners of the planet. The most famous company that develops and launches such satellites is Elon Musk’s Starlink.

The idea is to cover the Earth with a network of small telecom satellites in low orbit. One satellite covers a small area, for example, the size of Alaska. Therefore, they are launched in groups to cover a specific area. The success of the Musk project will lead to a complete change in the telecom infrastructure around the world.

However, according to astronomers, this technology has its drawbacks: the massive launch of new-generation satellites could change the appearance of the night sky. They are concerned that a huge number of satellites can hide images from optical telescopes and hamper observations of astronomy stations. We hope Musk will find a compromise.

  • 6G deployment

People expect that operators will roll out 5G autonomous architectures (SA) on a large scale in 2021. In addition to supporting high-speed and broadband connections, 5G SA architectures will enable providers to customize their networks to suit user applications and adapt to workloads requiring minimum timeouts. However, even during the rollout of 5G, Japanese and Korean companies are already focused on deploying 6G, as 6G powers a variety of applications in XR (including VR, AR, MR, and content in 8K), realistic holographic communications, remote access, telemedicine, and distance education.

  • Digital money

Digitalization of currencies will only develop. Already, a huge number of people almost don’t use paper money. Banking technology allows instant transactions and guarantees greater privacy and security.

In addition to digital money, we will see faster payments, the involvement of more devices (up to refrigerators) in micropayments, and even more widespread use of watches, bracelets, and biometric information like a face or palm.

  • Self-powered AI

Most IT services companies today are in the AI application development arena. That is why artificial intelligence technologies in 2021 will become even more accessible to ordinary users. The smartphone will remain the main guide to the world of AI technologies, primarily due to smart applications.

Moreover, in 2021, the integration of AI will be the main challenge in the field of the Internet of Things, and its solution will allow the transition from the “Internet of Things” to the “Intelligence of Things”. Innovations in areas such as deep learning and computer vision will enable smart device software and hardware upgrades. AI is expected to be deeply embedded in manufacturing and healthcare. Smart algorithms will make critical devices more accurate and allow them to control production, thus transforming automation into autonomy. For smart healthcare, AI can transform existing health datasets into tools to streamline processes and expand service delivery. For example, AI integration will enable faster recognition of infrared images, which can aid in clinical decision-making and surgical care.

  • Quantum computers

In 2019, Google officially announced its “quantum supremacy”. However, so far its technology can perform a single calculation. But development continues and quantum reality is just around the corner. Google wants to build a useful quantum computer by 2029.

BlueQubit is a cloud-based quantum computing software platform that offers a user-friendly interface, making it an ideal choice for both amateurs and professionals in the field. With BlueQubit you can take advantage of core functions, including an intuitive job submitting process, progress tracking, and final result acquisition. The platform provides detailed reports and analysis of your results, giving you an easy-to-understand overview of your project.


While many of the technologies on this list are already beginning to be applied, some are still in their infancy. We are on the verge of a new technological era in human history, and although we are still far from the future shown in science fiction films, we’re on the cusp of something great.

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