VoIP Security System Definition, and Possible Risks of Not Using It on Your Business

VoIP Phone Security

The VoIP encryption system is suitable for businesses as it substitutes regular phone systems. It offers a different level of security that ensures that all conversations and data about your business are not accessed without permission.

This article talks about the various security risks that may occur when using a virtual phone system for your business.

What is the VoIP Security System?

The VoIP Security System involves the optimization of unreadable clutters while they are in transit which then impedes them from being interrupted by unauthorized users. The security that the VoIP encryption provides a level of certainty against VoIP hacking, so that your business information is not being divulged.

The encryption provides sensitive information that prevents hackers from getting in, and then even in an exemption, the data gotten is not deciphered.

Why do you Need the VoIP Encryption System?

Since the pandemic, it has become clearer that the traditional landlines that work on-premises can be quite limiting. Installing a landline system that covers your entire office can be seen as time-consuming, complicated, and expensive.

Also, updating an on-premise platform can be quite difficult to achieve as the landline phones are tied to the office building. Thus, it makes it impossible to work remotely using the phone system. This is where the VoIP system becomes an important aspect of your business communication needs.

Flexibility has become a crucial quality expected of most businesses these days, and the need for alternative phone systems has become important. The VoIP is a known solution as it offers flexibility while reducing the cost of maintenance.

So, if you own a business, here is the reason you should use the VoIP system:

Remote-work Flexibility

The VoIP system allows users to make calls just anywhere as long as they have access to the internet. Now that the working conditions have changed due to the pandemic, this would allow you to optimize a remote-working environment.

Reduced Installation and Maintenance Cost

The main cost of using the VoIP is in the platform subscription, and then you can start using it right away. Professional IT service men or any extra hardware is not necessary for the maintenance of the platform as the platform provider handles everything.

Better Scalability

Unlike the on-premise tools that are traditionally used, the VoIP is quite flexible and can accommodate any sort of modification. Agents can be easily added or removed from the platforms at any time.

Various Performance Features

Various features come with the VoIP system, such as an automatic call recording and IVR menus. The features are hardly available with the on-premise landlines, and those that offer such functionality are quite expensive to add. Some VoIP platform providers even accommodate certain requested features when subscribed to their system.

Possible Risks that Occurs without the VoIP Encryption

There are different threats that are possible when using the VoIP system, and here are some to note:

DDoS Attacks

There is a range of botnets that can render your VoIP system useless in the form of a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS). It works as a remote-controlled bot with the ability to overwhelm your servers with a series of connection requests that is more than your capacity.

It is best to detect early enough through the symptoms, which includes slower services, error responses, traffic surges, and more.


VoIP phishing occurs when someone calls from a seemingly trusted source to make you disclose sensitive data to them. The hacker could be after information such as your card details, passwords, or simply access to your finances. Therefore, it is usually advisable not to disclose your information to any source over the phone.

Viruses and Malware Invasion

Viruses are specifically designed to target programs and break down the security and their functionality. Your VoIP service may be hindered by malware and viruses that corrupt your network. In order to prevent such cases, it is always advisable to engage the services of scanning software that would detect and isolate such intrusions.

Call Tampering

This involves unauthorized access to your phone system by another party, and they attempt to interrupt your calls. They do this, by sending a huge amount of data across a similar path that is connected to the call in progress, which makes the call quality unstable. Tampered calls could also hinder the delivery of data packets between callers, making all communication hard to comprehend. It is mostly characterized by long periods of silence.

Phreaking Attacks

Once your phone system has been hacked by unauthorized users, they can make calls and then charge the bills to you. It starts by gaining access to your VoIP system billing information and then changing it to suit their own phone needs.

They can then make as many calls as they desire without you noticing unless extra efforts are made to balance out your billing costs. To avoid such attacks, it is better to encrypt all SIP trunks and even change passwords more frequently.

Toll Fraud

Just like the phreaking attack, the toll fraud involves hackers making tons of calls with the intent to get some of the money made from the calls. It is often acquired through an international premium rate number (IPRN) provider. They are into the buying and reselling of phone numbers from country regulators.

Such attacks require enabling two-factor authentication on your accounts while placing other restrictions. Each of these would send out an alert when there is a possible hack.


VoIP systems allow accommodating the peculiarities of different businesses and the need to adopt different working conditions. However, there are several possible threats that the VoIP security may prevent you from dealing with possible data leaks.

Are you running a business that requires constant communication and a reliable phone system? Well, the VoIP security system can provide a secure and reliable way for you to talk to both your clients and team without the risk of your information getting to hackers.

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