How to Hide Your IP Address With Proxy

Hide Your IP Address with Proxy

Do you want to hide your IP address? You’re in the right spot!

First, you should know that a proxy service can be either transparent or anonymous. The server can still see your IP address if you use a transparent proxy, which lets them know where you are connecting from. An anonymous proxy, on the other hand, conceals your IP address from the web server, so it is unaware of your location when you connect.

Since IP addresses can be used to identify you, it’s critical to learn how to hide your IP address if you want to safeguard your identity and personal data. There are several ways to hide your IP address, but for this article, we’ll concentrate on using a proxy service.

What does privacy mean, and how do you hide an IP address?

What is privacy?

The right or ability to keep information about oneself private is known as privacy. It is the condition of not having one’s personal life or affairs exposed to unauthorized intervention, observation, or revelation. The phrase is frequently used in connection with personal information and the Internet.

Your IP address can track you when you browse the web. And occasionally, this might have unfavorable effects like being inundated with adverts or getting hacked!

How is an IP address hidden?

Internet Protocol Address is another name for an IP address. Each computer connected to the internet is identified by this number based on where it is on the network.

If someone knows how to find out who owns the IP address linked to a website or blog post that you have made or posted online, they may be able to use it to identify you personally. The location of your home, workplace and even certain private information about your family members can all be discovered if someone understands how to determine who owns an IP address.

Hiding your IP address is essential for maintaining your privacy. You should refrain from disclosing your actual IP address to anyone since they could be able to find you and use that information against you.

How can proxy servers help you hide IP Address?

What is a proxy?

A proxy is a device that enables you to access the Internet using an IP address other than your own. This is especially helpful if you wish to hide your identity or location online to safeguard your privacy.

You may want to utilize a proxy for a variety of reasons. When traveling abroad, for instance, you could want to avoid paying for services exclusive to particular nations, or you might wish to remain anonymous to avoid government monitoring, hackers, or even curious employees!

Using a proxy is the simplest way to hide your IP address. A proxy hides your IP address by routing your traffic through a different computer, which could be anywhere in the world. Your traffic will appear to have come from this additional computer rather than the one you currently use once it has been redirected via it.

Proxy servers are frequently referred to as IP proxies or proxy gateways. Your identity is kept secret from the websites you visit since they assist you in hiding your IP address.

You can use proxy servers to mask your IP address in a number of ways, including:

  1. Security – By preventing dangerous software from directly accessing your computer, proxy servers can help safeguard it against viruses and other threats.
  2. Privacy – Proxy servers can aid in preserving your privacy by concealing your IP address and location from the websites you visit, preventing them from learning who you are or where you live.
  3. Blocking – Proxy servers can prevent access to particular types of content, such as pornographic or gambling websites, through their servers.
  4. Browse the web anonymously – A proxy server is an intermediary between you and the websites you visit. Instead of your computer going directly to the website when you visit one, the proxy server gets the page for you. This makes it challenging for third parties to determine which websites you’ve visited.
  5. A proxy service, such as, helps you to get around censorship or filters that block access to particular kinds of online content.

You can use a proxy server to mask your IP address by following the instructions below:

  1. Choose a proxy that works for you.
  2. Register for an account on the proxy’s website.
  3. Configure the proxy on the computer or other device.
    On your PC or mobile device, download and install the program that will enable proxy server connections. Depending on your operating system, multiple software versions will be accessible; thus, pick the one that works best for your device.
  4. Connect to the proxy server.
    Open the software and select “automatic mode.” Any website you visit will now be routed through the proxy server rather than through the network of your internet service provider.


That’s all, then! With a proxy, you may now hide your IP address.

Once your proxy is configured, you can use it to hide your IP address. Enter the proxy’s address into the address bar of your browser. A notification informing you that the connection has been made will be shown.

Proxy servers can also be used to access content that might be restricted in your area. You can use a proxy, for instance, to visit a website restricted by your ISP or the authorities.

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