Why People Like Mobile Games?

Mobile Games

There is hardly a person today who does not have a cell phone. First of all, it is a means of communication that enables users to communicate with relatives, friends, and colleagues, and make emergency calls. The smartphone or iPhone makes it possible not only to make calls but also to communicate in messengers, follow global news, and watch videos, educational films, and movies. These are not all functions of a smart electronic device. With its help, users are immersed in a wonderful world of entertainment. Even despite the fact that the games on the cell phone differ in quality from the computer version, their popularity is tremendous.

Why Users Love Mobile Gaming

Probably many of us have noticed while sitting on the train or bus, a fellow traveler turns on a shooter or performs magical manipulations with balloons. Even at home, after work, many people take a cell phone, open a crossword puzzle, or another game plunging into a world of excitement. There are several reasons for such popularity, let us highlight the main ones.

  • Free access to gaming platforms

    Today’s market offers a huge selection of computers of cool assemblies. Not everyone can make such an acquisition. And buying a phone is quite affordable for people with average incomes because it is much cheaper and quite popular. Today it is a necessity.

  • Accessibility and variety of games

    This is due to the formation of the market for mobile applications and games. They are generally available to users of mobile devices, you can download them for free, or pay minimal fees. Buying a game at an inflated price is a very unlikely choice.

  • Entertainment

    When developing computer games, in most cases, the main emphasis is on graphics and visuals. There are not many really deep computer role-playing games, nor are there many interesting stories. When it comes to mobile versions, the situation is somewhat different. Since they began to appear relatively recently, manufacturers are still experimenting with drawing, gameplay, and interaction with the player. Many interesting moments can easily be realized with the phone touch screen.

  • Time

    Not everyone can afford to set aside a couple of hours to enjoy the game at home. This statement applies, above all, to employed people. However, it is quite affordable to open a game during a trip, or a lunch break. For this reason, manufacturers of mobile games have a huge income.

  • Dimensions

    Here everything is clear. You can’t take your computer on a business trip, or on vacation, while the mobile device is easily placed in a travel bag, it does not take up much space. You can play on your smartphone or iPhone everywhere.

The mobile gaming world has already conquered many people, and it’s hard to argue with that. So if you haven’t discovered it for yourself – try to do it. You will see how multifaceted and interesting it is. The library is sure to offer a game that captures you and takes you into the abyss of passion and excitement.

Become a Part of Mobile Gaming

One of the most important reasons for the popularity of mobile games is the possibility of earning real money. Today Slots Empire mobile casino and other gambling establishments have taken over almost the entire world. People come to casinos not only to have fun, and enjoy the gameplay, animation, graphics, and beautiful characters, but also to make money. With a cell phone, this is much easier to do. Most casinos have specially designed applications and mobile versions enabling players to enter the establishments at any time, regardless of their location.

According to statistics, the gambling industry has increased by 20% in recent years. Half of the indicator is accounted for by mobile games. This is explained by the affordability of phones. According to Creon.Games, this developer of mobile games has conducted the studies and concluded that:

  • smartphone owners spend 19% of their time playing games;
  • 22% of them prefer social networking;
  • 16% of their time is spent on messengers.

This suggests that users spend more time playing games than online communication. People have enjoyed entertainment for centuries. Games evoke positive emotions. Adrenaline is released during the game, and the taste of victory brings its fruits – the level of endorphin (happiness hormone) and dopamine, which is responsible for attention and memory, rises. If a lot of dopamine is released, a person feels pleasure and has the desire to repeat success.

The popularity of mobile games is also influenced by childhood memories. The older generation did not have smartphones and iPhones before. However, the desire to return to childhood, to plunge into the world of dreams and adventures is present in almost everyone. This opportunity has emerged with the advent of cell phones. So age does not matter for games – adults and children are fond of them.

Benefits of Mobile Games

benefits of playing mobile games

Everyone loves games, children and adults alike. Thanks to them:

  • the stress and tension of the passing day are relieved;
  • fear is overcome, even if one feels victorious in an unreal world;
  • one gets an opportunity to accomplish things that cannot be done in real life;
  • the person is distracted from immediate problems.

Mobile games have taken the entertainment industry to a new level. It’s convenient for users, while manufacturers make millions in profits and increasingly focus their efforts in this direction, which can be read in more detail at https://edition.cnn.com/2012/02/28/tech/gaming-gadgets/mwc-mobile-games/index.html.

The benefits of mobile games are obvious, as confirmed by scientists who conduct regular studies. They are useful even for two-year-old children within reasonable restrictions. They develop their motor skills, imagination, ability to think, and train their memory.

Adults prevent Alzheimer’s disease by playing on mobile devices. Mobile gaming relieves tension for people with a lot of psychological stress. Play, master your skills, and be healthy and happy!

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