Things You Can Commonly Create With JavaScript

Person Coding in Laptop

JavaScript is a popular programming language created by Netscape in the late nineties. It’s used in many applications including web browsers, desktop apps, and mobile apps. JavaScript is most commonly used for creating interactive elements on websites such as buttons or links that change when you hover over them. This article will go into some other ways we can use JavaScript to create things that are not strictly web-based.


You can also convert HTML to PDF using Java. This is done by using the Java API for HTML to PDF (jAHT). The Java API for HTML to PDF provides a high-level API for converting documents containing HTML and CSS markup into Portable Document Format (PDF) files.

The jAHT is available as part of the JAXP standard and implements the “content handler” model that was introduced with version 1.3 of the Apache OpenOffice application.

Dynamic Data and Interactivity

You can use JavaScript to create dynamic data and interactivity. The most obvious way would be to add a button that, when clicked, displays some information on your website. You could also work with form elements like text boxes and drop-down menus. This is all possible in JavaScript.

To create a dynamic data set, you’ll need to use a JavaScript array (called a list). You need to create an empty array by typing var myArray = [] into your code editor (for example, Sublime Text). This creates an empty list called “myArray”. You may want to name this something else if you don’t want “myArray” as part of your variable name or if there is already another variable named “myArray”. But for this tutorial, we’ll just stick with “myArray”.

Mobile Apps

Mobile apps are an integral part of our lives. As a developer, you can use JavaScript to create mobile apps that work on multiple devices and platforms. There are three commonly used ways of creating mobile apps, First, using JavaScript to create hybrid mobile apps that run in a browser and use the device’s local storage (for example, a user’s photos). Second, using JavaScript to create native mobile apps that are written in Objective C (iOS) or Swift (iOS), Java (Android), Xcode / Cocoa Touch (iOS), Kotlin/Dalvik VM(Android) etc., using Xamarin or React Native frameworks respectively. These are different from hybrid applications because they run directly within a device’s operating system without needing access to its browser.

Browser-Based Games

You’re probably familiar with HTML5 and CSS, but there are other ways to create games. For example, you can use the canvas API to draw directly in your browser. This is a great way to make games that run on any device and don’t require constant internet access or an app store submission process.

You can even use JavaScript for more than just controlling the game itself—you can also control the user interface (UI), sound effects, music, graphics, physics simulations and much more.

Desktop Apps for Windows, MacOS or Linux

While JavaScript is primarily used for web development and mobile apps, you can also create desktop apps with JavaScript. The most popular frameworks for doing this are Electron and NW.js. They allow you to build cross-platform desktop applications by writing your code in JavaScript, HTML and CSS (among others).

Smartwatches or Other IoT Devices

One of the most common uses of JavaScript is in the Internet of Things (IoT) devices. There are many different IoT devices out there, but smartwatches are one example. Smartwatches connect to the internet and have apps that run on them. The apps can do many things like help you stay fit or even make phone calls.

A lot of websites use JavaScript too. You may not think about it when you visit a website, but most websites use JavaScript to make them work differently than they would if they weren’t using any programming language at all.

It’s also possible to create an app that is connected to the internet and will run on multiple devices at once instead of just one specific device like a smartwatch would run only on your wrist while wearing it.

Server-Side Applications Using NodeJS

NodeJS is an open-source, cross-platform runtime environment for executing JavaScript code server-side. You can use NodeJS to create server-side web applications and services as well as other types of server-side applications that run on a variety of operating systems.


The fact is that JavaScript can be used for a lot more than just creating websites and web apps. The language has grown into one of the most popular options for creating mobile apps, and it’s also being used for desktop applications and IoT devices. As we’ve seen in this article, there are plenty of reasons why you might want to use JavaScript as well—and not just because it’s easy.

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