Jeff Pulver 140 Character Conference Scholarships

One of the true pioneers of the VOIP industry and a leader in the emerging TV on the Net Industry, Mr. Jeffrey Pulver is going to award Scholarships worth $895 each for up to 30 people who would like to attend 140 Characters Conference, but couldn’t afford for it.Jeff Pulver

As announced on March 23rd “The 140 Character Conference” (#140conf) will be taking place at New World Stages in New York City on June 16/17. It bring together a world-class cast of characters from around the globe representing various fields having one thing is common, their true passion for twitter. 140 Characters Conference
All you have to do to apply for a “#140conf Scholarship”, is to send an email message to explaining in 140 words or less on “Why you would like to attend #140conf.” Your winning chances will be doubled if you also post the entry in your blog and tweet the link to your blog post including #140conf hash tag.

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