Bloggers on the map @ VerveEarth

VerveEarth is a unique map based navigation system where in bloggers can pin their blog content to a country, city or neighborhood on the map. Bloggers on the map @ VerveEarth 1
The founders, Clayton and Brad have recently launched VerveEarth beta bundled with some cool features with the mission to bring bloggers from around the world and organize them by geography, so that they are just a single click away of each other.

Just zoom in to your favorite destination on the map, and you can find many blogs pinned by bloggers. You can explore their blogs, share content with them, write on their wall, add the blog to your favorites and be their fan. All these can be done without having to leave VerveEarth or open a new tab because the newly introduced minibrowser feature allows you to view the blog in it original form and do all other stuff under the same VerveEarth landing page.

Bloggers on the map @ VerveEarth 2You can stay connected with your favorite blogs with the VerveEarth Widget that can show the bloggers you chose as your favorite and it can also be added to your blog just by embedding a small piece of code. The widget can also be customized to offers you quick access to some of the top blogs on any chosen topic.

There is also VerveEarth Blogger Chat option that is made available partnering with meebo where you can chat with fellow blogger that have joined VerveEarth chatroom.

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