Reserve Your Spot for the Free Science of Social Media Marketing Webinar

The so called social media marketing & viral marketing scientist, @Dan Zarrella from HubSpot is hosting a Free live webinar on the topic ‘Science of Social Media Marketing’ on Wednesday December 9, 2009, 2pm EST.

Dan Zarrella loves speaking about social media and viral marketing and he’s also the author of The Social Media Marketing Book, the excerpt of which you can taste as a bonus after you register for this webinar.
In the book he has mainly focused on the eight most popular social media forms which include blogs, microblogs (twitter), social networks (facebook, linkedIn, Myspace), media sharing sites (Youtube, Filkr), social bookmarking and voting sites (Digg, Reddit), review sites, forums and world’s most popular 3D virtual world (Second Life). The takeways tips and best practices mentioned for each form which can be implemented directly in your online marketing efforts are quite useful and it’s worth buying the book for these alone.

Coming to the live free webinar, Dan Zarrella is motivated to introduce to you:

  • The history of word of mouth marketing, from pre-web to online
  • Lessons from social psychology, memetics, and statistics to understand what motivates people to share information
  • Scientifically proven best practices for getting people to talk about your business online

Reserve Your Spot for this free live Webinar here at

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