Alexa Sparky Add-on Provides Custom Address Bar Search Powered by Bing

Besides providing useful information such as Traffic Trend, Reach Meter and Traffic Rank about the sites you visit in your Statusbar,Alexa Sparky Statusbar showing Traffic Rank- Traffic Trend-Reach Meterthe all new Alexa Internet’s free Firefox plugin – Sparky 1.4.7 can enable custom searches right inside your address bar powered by Bing, and also helps you out when your browser encounters a network error.

To enable these settings go to Alexa Sparky Options from

Tools –> Add-ons –> Options

Alexa Sparky Add-on Options
Alexa Sparky Options

and check the boxes that says “Enable error handling” & “Enable custom address bar search.”

With the custom address bar search feature enabled, you can search right from your address bar with the search results powered by Microsoft Bing. And with the new Error handling feature enabled, you can easily navigate past dead end error pages as it provides you relevant alternate links whenever your browser encounters network error.

Also, Sparky 1.4.7 comes with another interesting feature that provides you Related link for each page you visit making your web surfing more efficient and flexible. You can find this Related Links option added to your menubar once you install Sparky 1.4.7

Alexa Sparky’s Related Links for each page feature

To install this latest version of Alexa Sparky, simply visit and click on the “Toolbar” link ( at the top and then click on Install as Statusbar button.

Alexa Sparky Install as Statusbar

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