Fake Yahoo! Mail Web Page For Phishing

As you know, Phishing is any attempt to mislead people into disclosing their confidential information such as Social Security Numbers(SSN) and log-in info such as username and password using legitimate looking fake websites, e-mail or instant messages.

Here is another attempt of phishing you should beware of, which is intended to steal your Yahoo! Mail login info. This fake webpage is designed is such a way that its look and feel are almost identical to the legitimate Yahoo! mail login web page.
phishing yahoo page The important check that can tell you whether you are on the legitimate Yahoo! web page or not is the domain on which the web page you are using is based. All the web pages relating to yahoo should be based on “yahoo.com” domain, whether it might be Yahoo!Mail, Yahoo! Messenger, Yahoo! Groups or Yahoo! News. For example, “yahoo.login.com” is not a legitimate Yahoo! page on the “yahoo.com” domain, but “login.yahoo.com” is a legitimate Yahoo! page because it includes “yahoo.com” domain in the URL. Likewise you can notice that all the legitimate Yahoo! web pages are based on “yahoo.com” domain only.

The URL of the phishing web page above is http://yahooads-offer.tk (Do not visit this web page) which can never belong to Yahoo!.

To ensure safety of your confidential information as it is sent over the internet, its better to use Ultimate antivirus and password security software like Norton Internet security 2009 or Norton 360

I personally recommend Norton Internet Security 2009 from Symantec as it has automatically detected this fraudulent web page and recommended not to visit it as soon as I have landed on the web page Fake Yahoo! Mail Web Page For Phishing 1

Hope this helps…
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