Windows Registry Tweak To Disable All Balloon Tips In The Notification Area

Are you getting annoyed with the balloon tips that display in the Notification Area and wish to turn it off on your Windows PC ??
If the answer is Yes, then you have come to the right place to know how to get rid of it. A simple registry tweak is all required to get your task done.

Follow the steps below to disable all balloon tips in the notification area for your computer.
1. Click Start, and then click Run… and type regedit or regedt32.exe in the Open field and press command to access registry editorThis opens the registry editor window.

2. From the left-pane of the registry editor window, navigate to the following Sub-key HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerAdvancedRegistry Editor Advanced key
3. Now, Right-Click with your mouse on the right pane and select New DWORD Value, and then name it EnableBalloonTipshow to create new DWORD Value in windows registry editor
4. Make sure that its value data is set to 0 in hexadecimal mode(if not, double click the entry and edit value data)Chage Value data of DWORD Value EnableBalloonTips
5. Close the registry editor and restart your PC for the changes to take effect.

Note: To retrieve the original settings, either set the value data of EnableBalloonTips to 1 or just delete the EnableBalloonTips DWORD value created.

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