Windows Registry Tweak To Customize The Right-Click

This registry tweak lets you add your own application to the shortcut menu that shows up when you right click with your mouse on the Start Menu. By default most of the computers have options like Open, Explore, Search/Find added to this menu.start menu right click options Now, with this tweak you can make new additions to this menu with the applications you want.
(As we have been working with registry in all these registry tweaks, let’s try to add Registry Editor as one of the options)
1. Click Start, and then click Run… and type regedit or regedt32.exe and Press OK.Run command to for registry editor_regedit or regedt32.exeNow we have our Registry Editor Window.

2. From the left pane of the Registry Editor, go the the following registry key HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTDirectoryShellHKEY_CLASSES_ROOT-Directory-Shell
3. Now, create a new Subkey under Shell by right clicking on Shell and selecting New -> KeyNew Sub-key in registry under Directory_ShellName the Sub-key with the application you are going to add. In this case as we are adding Registry Editor, so let’s name it ‘Registry Editor’New sub key created in Registry Editor under Shell named Registry Editor
4. Right click on the new ‘Registry Editor’ key we have just created and choose New -> Key to create yet another key named ‘Command’Command sub-key in Registry Editor under Shell key
5. Now, move to the right pane and double click on the (default) String value under Command Sub-key and change the Value data by entering the complete path of the application you want to add.

In this case, as we are adding registry editor the path is
C:WINDOWSregedit.exeValue data of default string value
6. Close the Registry Editor and press F5 to refresh.

That’s it!! Now, when right clicked on Start Menu, we can find a new option named Registry Editor added to it (when clicked on it, Registry Editor window opens)Customize right click option on start menu
Likewise, you can add any application you want to shown up following the steps above.
Try it yourself and drop a comment if you need any help.

1 thought on “Windows Registry Tweak To Customize The Right-Click”

  1. just delete the subkey item under shell to remove that particular item from the right click menu. (follow above steps carefully to get to know from where to access the shell registry key)

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