Google It! – Instantly Google Search any text copied on to your clipboard

Imagine how handy it would be if you can instantly Google search on any text while you are reading information through offline programs like MS Word etc., without taking the burden of going to Google search and typing the same text to search for results? Google It! : Zypto Labs

Now, you don’t have to take that burden anymore because with Google It! you can do all that with just a single click of your mouse.

All you have to do is copy a selection of text from any offline program that utilizes text and Google It! You will automatically receive online Google search results for the text you have copied on to your clipboard.

According the developers at ZYPTO Labs

Google It! is a simple, unobtrusive widget used to search the content of your clipboard automatically on Google. It’s a snap to setup and works on Windows Vista and XP running .NET Framework 3.0.

This new technological application based on Windows Presentation Foundation provides visually compelling user experiences and require .NET Framework 3.0 running on your machine. Download .NET Framework 3.0 from Microsoft Download Center and Install it before you install Google It!
Microsoft .net Framework Installing
Download Google It! from ZYPTO Labs

After installing this wonderful Google It!! and .NET Framework 3.0 (or above), all you have to do is copy a selection of text from any program for which you want Google search results and the Google It! widget will appear. Click on that and it will search Google, and provide you with results.

You can also use Google It! to directly browse any web site from offline programs. This is possible as searching a web site address on Google search takes you directly to the web site. Just Copy the web site address you wanted to visit and the Browse It! widget will appear, click on it to directly land on that web site in your default browser.

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