Layout Tools in the Default Word Document

In olden days, we used to prepare reports, documents and any other data manually. But now-a-days we have various applications to prepare those things like MS-Office, Adobe Pagemaker, WordPad, Latex etc. Among all these, Microsoft Office is the most widely used desktop application for document preparation and analysis. The most commonly used components of MS Office contain MS-Word, MS-Excel and MS-PowerPoint.

Microsoft Word is the premier application that allows you to create and edit text documents. In addition to text, MS-Word also allows you to insert pictures, tables, charts, drawing, and other features like cliparts etc., that will make your documents richer and more interactive.

The default WORD document includes the following layout tools:

  • Title Bar shows the document name, for example “New Document” and the application software name “Microsoft Word”
  • Menu Bar contains the list of menus available inside word document, and each menu contains a specific set of commands.
  • Standard Toolbar contains a shortcut list of some of the most commonly used commands found inside the menu bar options.
  • Formatting Toolbar contains a shortcut list of formatting options available inside the format menu
  • Horizontal and Vertical Rulers are used for measurement purposes like any normal ruler, the default unit of measure is in inches.
  • White Page Area is the space where you go type, edit and format your document.
  • Status Bar shows the page number the user is working on, section numbers, present working page number out of the total pages found in the document, present line number, present column number etc.,

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