How to Remove CWS Trojan Infection in Windows

CWS Trojan infects the Windows system in such a way that it hijacks Internet Explorer start and search settings for several different web sites. Often times, multiple variants of the CWS Trojan add a text/html and text/plain filters, allowing them to hook all the webpage content passed through Internet Explorer making this Trojan a vicious browser hijacker.

How to Remove CWS Trojan Infection in Windows 1
Information Steeling Trojan

In the worst case scenario, when the infection is really bogging down the computer the users are even forced to reformat the hard disk to remove it from the system. On the other hand, if the infection is primitive the best action taken is to delete the concerned registry key with everything in it.

Spyware Doctor developed by PC Tools and Trend Micro HijackThis are two of the best programs that help in efficiently removing the infection caused due to this malevolent Trojan.

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