Cool Facebook Style Like and Dislike Self Inking Stamps Set

In the practical world one cannot find something to be all right or wrong, but it all depends on how much he/she like or dislike it. And which other platform can you think of that has made this like and dislike phenomenon more popular than Facebook itself.

Like & Dislike Self Inking Stamps Set

@Facebook life revolves around how many likes or dislikes you’ve received for your stuff – whether it may be a uploaded photo, added link or a video posted. The more the like, the more will be the popularity and obviously more will be the positive comments. The opposite is the case with increasing dislike. Not only on Facebook, this hold true in the real world too!

Got interested with this like and dislike phenomenon?? Then hesitate not and get home Facebook Style Like & Dislike Stamps to physically imprint and share your opinion on tangible objects in the real world.

These Self-Inking Like & Dislike Stamps come as a set preloaded with enough blue ink for up to 5,000 assertions with each stamp mark measuring approximately 3″ (H) x 2.5″ (W) x 1.5″ (D). Like and Dislike Stamps Set is provided on Amazon by Jailbreak Collective in collaboration with Nation Studio UK for just $13.40

Go get it now before it is out of stock!!

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