New Voice-Enabled Scientific Calculator Included @Google Search

The ability of the built-in Google calculator in doing calculations very easily is well-known, as anyone can go to Google and type calculator questions like – [one plus two] or [12% of 124] and get answers right away on the top of search results.
New Voice-Enabled Scientific Calculator Included @Google Search 1  New Voice-Enabled Scientific Calculator Included @Google Search 2
This getting answers on top of search results page was until few days before as now you’ll get answers in the scientific calculator integrated into search. This latest addition of updated calculator feature to search is to make you get most out of calculations using Google.


To launch this new scientific calculator in search, just Google Search calculator

Online Calculator in Google Search

This well-designed 34-button scientific calculator is voice enabled and works for desktop users and in mobile browsers as well. Oren Naim (Product Manager at Google) in a comment on TechCruch says that you’ve to rotate your phone so that it is viewed in landscape mode to get the full scientific functions.

And the really cool feature of this new mini scientific calculator embedded in Google Search is, it gives you an example view of how to solve any equation. For example, when searched for the equation [5 – 5 x 0 + 5 + 5 x 5 + 5 x 0] in Google Search, along with giving the answer in the calculator screen it also gives you an example view of how to solve just above it.


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