How to Deal with Stolen Web Content

Plagiarism is considered very seriously these days with the growing demand for original online content. Even then it is surprising to see some sites commit the mistake of plagiarizing copyrighted content thinking they can escape from being caught. But Google almost constantly comes up with new ways to fight this problem.

When your Google alerts and plagiarism checker software such as Plagtracker for example tell you, that your work is stolen, the first best course of action is to investigate. You have to conduct a thorough research to validate your claim as the original source. This means you have to take care of all screenshots of the evidence.

After you have a course of action (evidence), your next point is to approach the thief or whoever plagiarized your work. It’s unprofessional and unethical to bombard their forum or blog with lewd comments. Instead, seek their contact page and send an email. The email should be written in a professional way asking them to remember to credit you for your work or to kindly ask them to take it down.

Professionals will heed to your call. They will respond possibly with a call back, an email etc. Others could even take that content down and apologize. There are others who will hear nothing of all you say. They will out rightly ignore your rightful plea. In case this happens, what are your options?

1. File a DMCA Complaint to Google

Google takes DCMA complaints from content creators seriously. In the recent wave of the originality of content into the search rankings, there is a strong indication that DMCA complaint to Google could help.

DMCA - Digital Multimedia Copyright Act

Normally, when a particular website is protested against by content creators or other publishers for content theft (plagiarism), Google’s response is usually critical. Google can take the website off its index. All businesses know how risky this is and will quiver when this is taken against them.

2. Embarrass Content Thieves

Thieving is a strong word for plagiarism. But, that’s what it becomes when a webmaster is unresponsive. You have to work hard at ensuring their lessons, the harder way.

Take your war to social media like Facebook and Twitter. If this goes viral to a similar circle of people who know them, they will be embarrassed. Losing face works magic for cheap thieves.

3. Sue Copyright Violators

This is always an option wherever you are. Identify your defendant, talk to your lawyer and sue. There are numerous copyright laws to protect your suit. Take advantage of this and get the best punishment or reward on your hard work.

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