Useful Shortcuts for Facebook in Windows Browsers

Not relevant to age, do not mind time, wherever whenever Facebook social network browsing has a profound impact on the daily lives of millions of users. So there’s a need to learn shortcut keys and speed up your journey in Facebook. By using these shortcuts your Facebook account can be used more capably. But shortcut keys are based on the browser you use. Here are the useful shortcuts for Facebook in popular Windows browsers Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Internet Explorer:

Send a New Message Shortcut

  • If Firefox is being used, to send a new message press the key combination Shift + Alt + m
  • In Google Chrome use Alt + m and you can compose a new message.
  • For Internet Explorer the shortcut Alt + m + Enter has to be pressed to send a new message.

Facebook Help Center Shortcut

Wherever you’re on Facebook, to go to Help Center straight away, Firefox users type Shift + Alt + 0. Chrome users Alt + 0 and using Internet Explorer press Alt + 0 + Enter

Facebook Home Shortcut

From wherever to reach Home page, Firefox users press the shortcut Shift + Alt + 1, chrome users Alt + 1 and when IE is being used Alt + 1 + Enter

Facebook Profile Page Shortcut

To view your Profile page in Facebook, Firefox users have to press Shift + Alt + 2 where as the key combination is Alt + 2 for Google Chrome users and Explorer users can press Alt + 2 + Enter

Shortcut to Find Friends, Send Friend Requests

To send friend request, Firefox users press Shift + Alt + 3. Chrome users Alt + 3 and IE users Alt + 3 + Enter

Shortcut to View Messages in Facebook

To view the messages press Shift + Alt + 4 in Firefox and while using Chrome press Alt + 4 and Internet Explorer users press Alt + 4 + Enter

Your Notifications Shortcut

To view all the notifications reached to your profile, in Firefox use shortcut Shift + Alt + 5, in Chrome it is Alt + 5 and for IE users the shortcut is Alt + 5 + Enter

Account Setting Shortcut

To view your Facebook account settings:

  • In Firefox Shift + Alt + 6
  • Chrome users Alt + 6
  • Explorer users Alt + 6 + Enter

Privacy Settings Shortcut

For reaching your privacy settings:

  • While in Firefox press Shift + Alt + 7
  • Chrome users press Alt + 7 and
  • IE users press Alt + 7 + Enter

Official Facebook Page Shortcut

To go to Facebook official home page,

  • In Firefox type Shift + Alt + 8
  • Chrome users Alt + 8
  • Internet Explorer users Alt + 8 + Enter

Service Agreement Shortcut

To view the Facebook rules and regulations, shortcut Shift + Alt + 9 is for Firefox users, Chrome users Alt + 9 and IE users Alt + 9 + Enter

Like/Unlike Photos, Previous Post, Next Post Shortcuts

  • To like or unlike a photo, shortcut key L is used which works in all windows browsers. Whatever may be the browser press L key for Like/Unlike, for the first time appears dialogue box and it is enough that you check the ‘Don’t ask me again’ option.
  • To go to the previous post in the news feed use shortcut K
  • Useful shortcut for next post in news feed is J

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