7 Ways Auto Repair Software like Tekmetric is Changing the Industry

Auto Repair Software - Tekmetric

Starting an auto repair business can be very difficult if you don’t know much about business handling and ownership. If you’re interested in starting this business but have no idea where to start, auto repair software like Tekmetric can help you.

Tekmetric can help you run your business effectively while ensuring you’ll get returns in the long run. Here are the ways Tekmetric can help car enthusiasts make their auto repair business better.

1. Stay on top of your repair orders

One thing you should avoid when it comes to running an auto shop is letting your repair orders pile up. Having too many repair orders without a strategy on how to handle each of them will leave your customers waiting. Do this often and you’ll lose your customers. With auto repair software, you’ll have the ability to keep track of your repair orders, stay up to date on each of them and get your customer’s cars back just in time.

2. Track your inventory

Your inventory is one of the most important aspects of your business. This allows you to keep track of all the parts going to be needed for repairs. Using software to manage your inventory will help you stay on top of it, allowing ample of time to order parts before they run out.

3. Manage your customer base

Having repeat customers is your guarantee that your business will maintain its operations. An auto repair software will help you track these customers and reach out to them regularly. With an auto shop software, mailing list management will be easier and it’s an effective way to retain them and give them a reason to choose your business over the competition.

4. Manage inspections easily

Offering inspections at your auto shop is a great way to add more customers to your already growing base. Normally, it can be quite difficult to work with the DMV, but Tekmetric auto repair software will help you get the licensing you need so you can inspections to your business. Doing so will pave the way for business growth.

5. Easily get in touch with employees

Your business might be lacking an employee portal, something that will help you manage your staff and personnel easily so you can delegate tasks, track their progress, and assign them schedules in order for your business to run continuously. Having this software for them to access and you to look at is also one way of storing information, such as overtimes, days, off, and tax info.

6. Customize payments and pricing

Auto repair shops are a dime a dozen in many towns and cities. You basically have a lot of competition, so it’s important to stay relevant. You can achieve this by offering competitive pricing. Using Tekmetric will help you adjust and manage payments whenever there is a need to do so. If you notice that the competition is offering promos or discounts, you can adjust your pricing easily using this software in order to stay on top of the game.

7. Custom messaging

Want to send out emails or text messages to your customers? An auto repair software can make this happen. You can set schedules, remind upcoming appointments, or send out thank you notes for their recent repair trip. Better communication with your customers is a smart way to prevent appointment cancellations and no-shows.

To effectively manage your auto repair business, consider partnering with Tekmetric, a resource planning and management system designed to carry out multiple business tasks in the auto repair industry. The company designed this seamless software that’s applicable in a variety of different shops and a wide range of services.

Visit the Tekmetric website for your free demo and experience the amazing features. Not tech savvy? Don’t worry. Tekmetric is designed in a way that even non-computer savvy folks will understand. And it’s affordable to boot.

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