Recently Instagram has become an integral part of our personal life but of our business as well. Today we use it here, there and everywhere: to share your trip photos with friends, to build your personal brand, to promote your small business, to spy on somebody and so on. That’s a natural outcome that there appeared Instagram Bot, the tool which automates all your activity on IG. That eventually leads to the rapid promotion of an Instagram account with all its consequences: increased reach, sales, enhanced engagement rate and popularity at large. That’s why such a tool became so popular among those who want to get success on IG.
What is Instagram Bot?

As I’ve already said, IG bot is a tool for Instagram marketing automation. Its algorithms allow smooth promotion based on the concept of mass-liking and mass-following in the first turn. Besides, they introduce additional functionality: automated comments and posting, automated messaging in direct, comment’s tracking, stories viewing and hashtags generator. I will provide insight into how you can use IG bot to get more likes and followers, increase your ratings and sales.
How can you use it?
First, let’s start the basic strategies and functionalities.
Auto-likes. This function is designated to click the “like” button under the posts of your TA as many times as possible within the limits of IG. Such strategy corresponds to the idea of mass-liking. People noticing that somebody likes their posts, tend to get intrigued who does and open that person’s profile to like some posts in return. That’s a kind of IG psychology.
Auto-follow. This function is of analogous mechanism. You follow the accounts of your TA, they follow you back. There is a risk that you won’t be followed back, and the number of your followings will be higher than the number of follows. That will make the undesirable impression. That’s why the function of auto-unfollow is of extreme importance in this case. IG bot can unfollow only not mutual or everybody at once. That will maintain your reputation among IG users.
Comments. That’s the next important option of IG bot that’s beneficial to use. It will leave written-by-you-in-advance comments under the posts of your TA. For what? First, to attract attention just like in the case of mass-liking and mass-following. Second, it raises people’s trust in your account. The one stumbling block here is to write really outstanding comments: not cliched and not too advertising. That’s your turn to switch on your imagination.
Direct Messages. DM is a perfect tool to enhance your followers’ engagement and to increase the volume of sales. With the help of IG bot, you can send messages to a greater amount of people, which is more beneficial for you as an entrepreneur. That creates a sort of illusion of personal presence and privacy. That strategy is efficient only in case you write in advance great original greeting and offering messages. So take the time for a little brainstorm.
Scheduled posting. For your followers, it’s crucial to see your regular posts on IG. As they already follow you, your task is to make them stay with you. They will expect regular content, you should give them that. With IG bot you can make up a timetable of your posts and point the time. Do not forget to take into account at what time your audience is active most. It may not correlate with your time of wakeful state. So watch the timezone of your TA.
Hashtag generator. That tool is a gizmo which not all IG bots offer. So you should find the bot which has that one. Why? As you know that the use of tags under each of your is posts critical. Moreover, there should be a couple of popular tags and even more niche tags. And it’s a good practice not to repeat tags from post to post, being original even there. Thus, use tool which AI algorithms can generate tags by the keyword you enter, by a photo you upload or even URL. Benefits? Saved time and accurate tags.
People choose Instagram bot because…
- Targeting it implies. Such bots provide precise targeting to reach your TA. They make it possible through the hashtag, usernames and location targeting. Some bots offer the advanced settings for that adding the gender and language filters. This way bots narrow down your TA and make your targeting campaign more precise.
- Security it guarantees. Using high-quality IG bots, you don’t run the risk of being banned by IG administration. Besides, they offer free proxy servers which provide you with additional anonymity on the Net.
- The time it saves. Any automation tools do that, that’s what they are created for – to ease our life and save our time.
To conclude, friends, our time is limited. A lot of people understand that (so do I) and decide to delegate some task on promotion to specialized tools like Instagram bots. That’s why such services are so popular today. Whether to follow this trend or not, it’s up to you to decide. I wish good luck to you and your Instagram account!