A Guide to Improving Cyber Security Compliance

Cybercrime is on the rise, and as applications and networks become more sophisticated, so do the methods hackers use to steal confidential data. Every business with an online presence is at risk of becoming the victim of a cyber-criminal. With that in mind, here are a few things that you can do to improve your cyber security compliance.

Improve your cyber security compliance.

Professional IT Security Assessment

If you want to know how your IT security stands, there is a specialist ISO 27001 consultancy in Australia who can carry out a thorough assessment to see how your IT security holds up to current requirements. Security compliance mandates are in place to help create a safe environment for businesses to share information. This is an area that can be very confusing for the business owner, which is a good reason to delegate the task to a cyber security professional.

Ineffective Spending

If you know little about cyber security compliance, you could end up investing a lot of money in security upgrades that really don’t address the issues, which many business owners have found out to their cost. Talk to an established cyber security expert, who can quickly assess your current IT security and make sure that you are fully compliant, without spending money on unnecessary applications.

Network Security Compliance

You could commission a compliance gap assessment, which would highlight the weaknesses in your network security. With an expert in your corner, network security compliance can quickly be established. Gap assessments are tailored to suit the business, which could be anything from a quick review to a more thorough IT audit.

Improving Network Security Compliance

Penetration Testing

The best way to test a business’s online security is to employ an ethical hacker to see if he can penetrate their existing defences, and penetration testing services are available from a leading cyber security provider. Ethical hackers think like cyber-criminals and use their considerable hacking skills to ascertain a network’s security, and should they find a weakness, it can be plugged. Penetration testing is known to be the best way to assess any network’s security. The top ethical hackers utilise their considerable skills trying to penetrate clients’ defences, which is sure to reveal any weaknesses.

Keeping Your Accreditations

Cyber security compliance ensures that all your hard-earned accreditations remain intact, with PCI, DSS and ISO 27001, plus the European GDPR, which you must have if you deal with European companies. Having these accreditations will give your customers peace of mind, knowing that their confidential data is safe. If this is something you have yet to address, an online search will help you find a suitable cyber security professional who can do what is necessary to ensure full compliance across the board.

Losing cyber-security accreditations will certainly not do your business any good, as it will cause your clients to be concerned. By talking to a leading cyber security provider near you, you can take the first step toward becoming fully compliant with current regulations.

If you would like to find out how good your current cyber security is, plus find out if you comply with current cyber security regulations, talk to a leading cyber security provider today.

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