Shooting High Definition cinematic videos is not a big deal now with high-end DSLR cameras. However, when you are on a trip or hiking, taking a DSLR camera with you is nearly impossible. You cannot take a DSLR with you every time you go out, and neither you can resist filming good footage while you are out. A point and shoot camera is compact and easy to carry around in your pocket.
Shooting cinematic videos with a point and shoot camera might sound off the table, but sometimes it’s necessary! I will get you the tips that will enable you to shoot highly appealing cinematic videos with your Point and Shoot camera.
Choose the right camera
If you don’t have a Point and Shoot camera yet and planning on getting one, have a reasonable budget and choose the best camera. Because a cheap point and shoot camera will require you to sacrifice some essential features. Although shooting mind-blowing videos is still possible with the cheap once, you will still have some drawbacks. Look if the camera captures slow-motion videos and if it has a recording resolution of 4K at 60 FPS. It will allow you to shoot high-res videos, which you can turn into a cinematic video with post-processing.
Pick the subject wisely
While preparing to start capturing video, pick the primary subject in the video wisely. You can take outstanding footages if you can pick the right subject carefully. It’s not necessary to have a happy face to shoot; a sad, crying face is okay if you can make it perfect. Try to portray the subject with the eye of an artist and make adjustments to your video angle. A different angle of view will make a difference to the whole production.
Pick the colors wisely
Before you start to shoot, match the subject with the background and the surrounding it has. Picking the surrounding colors wisely will highlight the subject and make punchy footages. Make a smooth transition between the colors around the subject. Get some ideas about color blending and create an excellent color scheme in the frame you are shooting. Use lens filters if you are shooting in a particular position where the Sun or something is making problems. You can use a regular DSLR lens filters if your Point and Shoot doesn’t have a guard to take in filters.
Use the zoom correctly
Point and Shoot cameras come with optical zoom, and you can use the zoom for excellent video footage. If your camera doesn’t have the optical zoom feature, it will be harder to go close to the subject and to come back. Point and Shoot have no grip on the body like a DSLR, you will shake the camera, and the footage will look amateur. So, be sure to get a camera with the optical zoom in it, and it will help you get smoother transitions.
Use the microphone correctly
Not every Point and Shoot offers an external port to plug in a microphone. If your camera has an external mic-port, make sure you use a good quality microphone for audio input. It will help you get crispier audio for your video and give it a more cinematic look. If the camera has no external port, you can still use the built-in port with some precautions. Remember not to put your finger on the mic, and you will block the audio record. Take test footage to be sure the mic is on and working.
Have enough memory
Shooting still images and shooting high-res videos won’t take the same amount of memory in your camera. Before you start shooting video, use a memory card with a higher capacity in your Point and Shoot camera. Make sure you insert a memory card with higher reading and writing capability. It will allow the camera to render distortion-free High Definition video smoothly in your memory. If the memory card is not a high-speed one, the camera might even stop working.
Shoot in slow motion
If you are trying to shoot more cinematic footage with your Point and shooter, use the SloMo option. Shoot at a higher frame rate and slow it down in post-production. If your camera supports 120 FPS, shoot it in that frame rate and decrease the playback speed by 50% later. It will bring instant fluidity to your footage and make it more appealing to the eye.
Use stabilizer
Use a stabilizer both externally and internally to shoot excellent video footage with your Point and Shoot camera. If your camera comes with EIS or OIS, use it from your setting and keep your hand steady. Use a small handheld tripod, hook it with the camera and use it as a stabilizer by holding with two hands. It will allow you to take footages with a smooth transition.
Post Production
If you have taken great footages with your camera, it won’t look cinematic until you give it an extra touch of post-production. Here are some tips you can follow while doing the post-production:
Color correction
Color correction is the key to make the ordinary footages look more cinematic. You can tweak the colors for better color accuracy and more punchy colorization. Add some contrast, some saturation, sharpness to draw the attention of your audience to the subject. Make the blues, reds, and greens look richer.
WideScreen bars
Use dummy widescreen bars to give your video a cinematic vibe; it makes a great impression to the audience. It imitates the high-end cinema footages we see in the Hollywood cinemas.
Use the right music
Using the right kind of music, tunes, and sounds will take the total watching experience to a whole new level. If you are shooting some seagulls on a beach, add some high-quality seagull sounds in the background. While walking, you can imitate the walking sound in your video by adding some walking sounds.
Bottom line
Point and Shoot cameras aren’t intended for shooting cinemas or very high-quality video production. So, you will face some limitations if you try to make cinemas with your pocket camera. However, if you know the rules of making cinemas and apply them with your camera, get that cinematic transition, you will beat it. You need to shoot a lot, and practice will give you the experiences you need to face the odds.