How Healthcare Technology Aids in Covid Battle

How Healthcare Technology Aids in Covid Battle? Fighting Against an Invisible Enemy

The whole world is now fighting a battle against an invisible enemy, called COVID-19. It started in Wuhan, China the epicenter of the pandemic and now it affects around 185 countries worldwide with hundreds of thousands of positive cases and thousands of recorded deaths. All countries around the world are racing to stop the spread of the virus, and modern technology is one of the possible solutions.

Most nations around the globe not only rely on their advanced medical system but with their strong technology such as artificial intelligence to end the crisis. It is common to see today that big technological corporations are working together with governments to aid the pandemic.

How technology aids can help COVID-19 battle?

Today, with the advancement of technology everything is possible. Companies like Alibaba, IBM, Baidu and Huawei, and other high-tech corporations have improved their healthcare initiatives. Technology plays an important role in putting an end to the Covid-19 crisis.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence can determine the non-compliance individual possible carrier of the virus. Affected countries are tracing persons with travel history from places with a high case of the virus. In airports, high tech temperature detectors are used to check the body temperature of passengers. Also, color codes are assigned (yellow, green and red) to determine the severity of their cases and if they need to be isolated from the public or not via online applications.

Claim healthcare benefits

Technology Aids help individuals to claim their healthcare benefits conveniently. Lockdowns and enhanced quarantine are strictly implemented in affected areas, so people are advised to stay at home to starve the virus and prevent it from spreading.

Websites like PayMyDoctor offer help to individuals to process their claims online to avoid going out of their houses. You may even pay online bills with ease.

AI is used to locate the outbreaks

It is hard to fight an enemy we cannot see with our bare eyes, therefore real-time tracking is one of the most effective ways to avoid the virus from spreading. Online resources can be used to track the possible areas with severe cases to be put on hot zones to avoid the entry and exit of residents.

Here are some possible sources people can check:

  • Social media applications – Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are the most popular online apps to users. They can check for the latest updates about the current crisis and also to warn them about it.
  • Online news – most television companies are temporarily closing with the observance of social distancing and browsing the internet to know about the current events is one of the main sources of information now.

Drones are utilized for transport and monitoring

People are prohibited to go outside to help stop the spread of the virus, so using drones is the fastest and safest way to avoid infecting more people. Medical supplies are delivered via drones which only require a short amount of time. Also, built-in cameras are attached to drones to trace non-compliance individuals.

Developing medical drugs to stop the virus

Coronavirus is considered as one of the toughest diseases that kill thousands of people around the world. Artificial Intelligence algorithm is used to come up with the possible treatments that could kill the virus and to stop this pandemic. Once a drug to cure is discovered the whole world will be healed.

Production of medical supplies and essential products

Prevention is better than cure. People are now anxious about getting infected by the virus, so with the help of high-tech companies have produced products to combat our health from the deadly virus. Here are some products people can use to protect themselves:

  • Facemask with anti-pathogen and anti-bacterial fabric – it should be worn by COVID-19 patients to avoid infecting others
  • Hand soaps – proper handwashing is one of the precautionary measures to stop the spread of the virus
  • Using alcohol and hand sanitizers (70% alcohol content) – the virus can be killed by alcohol and using it regularly can also lessen the chance of getting infected.

Artificial Intelligence can identify the virus

Some companies take advantage of their cutting-edge technology to properly determine coronavirus from the rest of their family to secure proper solutions. Up to 96%, accurate diagnoses have been recorded by the use of test kits (for more information). Thus, medical staff can easily declare if the patient is positive or negative from coronavirus.

Machines are used to disinfect and other tasks

Since social distancing is a strict implementation to avoid the rapid spread of the virus, other alternatives are used like robots to substitute humans. It is a wise move for governments since the virus can spread through human to human contact or from things around us. Therefore, once social distancing is observed we can prevent this pandemic from killing the people.


The development and advancement of technology greatly impact human lives in many ways. It substitutes people in doing many tasks to keep us safe and produces results to protect individuals from the harm coronavirus could bring.

Are you also worried about the possible impacts of coronavirus? In your view what other ways cutting-edge technology has to offer to combat humans from the harm COVID-19 could bring? Share with us your ideas.

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